Scour Power

I have no ides how difficult it is here compared to the rest of the “world”, I just know what it takes to clean windows here in the Dallas Fort worth area. Generally on a first time clean you have to soap the glass, wool it to break up the dirt, and if there is no paint over spray you can squeegee the glass right after wooling it. If there is over spray then you need to razor it then re wet and squeegee. Detail as needed.

I wonder why you have to use wool on the glass. I haven’t run into that before.

Read the thread

Too much to read. I think it comes down to everything being bigger and stronger in Texas.

Michael, I appreciate your input. As far as the respirator if you read my second post on the fifth page of the post I address that. It was just an over site on my part.

As far as Eaco Chem using the term cleaning My point may not have come across clear. I did not actually say that they mean restoration instead of clean. I believe they mean clean however when they say cleaning they seem to be referring to the removal of staining from glass surfaces and other building substrate. The reason there product cleans that off so well is mainly because of the acids. So I would would not categorize their cleaning chemical in the same class as a regular window cleaning soap as say GG4, even if it is diluted. Even when diluted you still need to rinse it off and wear protective gloves and clothing. My only point is to warn anyone not to confuse their use of the word cleaner to be compared to say a product like 409 which is marketed as an all purpose cleaner. They are both all purpose cleaners but 409 would not be considered a cleaner on the same level as One restore because for one it does not contain acids, so it would not remove the staining on buildings. On the other hand One restore would be over kill and even dangerous if you used it to clean a counter top.

My point is we should be careful when we hear Eaco chem use the term cleaner to refer to One restore. It the term needs to be kept in the context of building restoration and stain removal. I hope that makes sense and clears up any confusion as to what I meant.

There is just this crazy funk that coats the glass around here, lack of cleaning, heat and humidity, pollution etc… The stuff just gets baked on and takes a lot of work to get it off.

Very funny Merv! :slight_smile: I am not a native Texan but after being here for 15 years I have come to realize there is a lot of truth to that saying. Sorry my post was lengthy. I was just trying to be thorough so my point would be understood. I hope it wasn’t too boring! I was thinking today about this issue and I wonder if it has anything to do with the heavy clay content in the soil in north central Texas. Not sure but I wish it wouldn’t stick so good to the glass!

Hey What a pane, What type of wool do you use? Bronze or steel? Do you get the pads or just use the regular wool? Have you ever tried the Knuckler? My main concern with using the wool is being able to re-use it, I don’t want to have to use a pad on just one job and then have to throw it away. Any tips? Thanks

I normally use the synthetic white pads, for the very reason you can reuse them. I use the same pad for at least a month. I have recently however been trying to incorporate using a hogs hair brush on first time cleans. It does take off the dirt well. Sometimes you have to follow up with a razor blade. It is not quite as practical to me as a strip washer, but I am trying to work with it to see if it can become just as practical. I still use strip washer on regular cleans outside, insides and on regular commercial jobs.

The hogs hair brush is awesome on first time commercial jobs because it takes off the dirt and it covers a lot of surface area when scrubbing. I’ve not tried the woolit and similar pads. They look like they can be reused, and steel and bronze wool cut the dirt a lot better than the white pads.

Not sure what the knuckler is?

Knuckler is the J Flint pad holder

I haven’t tried it. It looks a little bulky to carry but if it works well it night be worth carrying around. It also doesn’t look like the surface area is very big so you would not cover much glass when scrubbing. It looks worth trying. have you tried it? Let me know if you try it and if you like it or not.

Nope, trying to figure out what I want to order. So, in your experience the white pads are pretty comparable to the bronze wool? I used a white pad yesterday and it seemed to do a pretty good job

I use the Knuckler with cut-down thin white pads for the rare occasion I Di not use a Triumph. Definitely not for large expanses of glass.

I use a nylon clip-on AWP (Lowe’s) pouch to keep it handy.

I haven’t used the bronze wool pad but The white pads are sufficient for using most of the time. Every once in a while I’ve done jobs that have not been cleaned in so long the white pads are not as effective as steel wool. I have used bronze wool but not the mixed wool and synthetic fiber pads, so I’m not sure about those. White pads work well and last long but steel/bronze wool cut the dirt better, not sure on the steel/ bronze and synthetic fiber pads.

Have you used the bronze wool pads? With or without the knuckler? do they work as well or better than the white pads and or steel wool?

I haven’t tried them yet

Anybody have a comment on the Wiljer oversleaves? On breaking up heavy or long time grime? Probably still have to do edges and corners by hand, I’m thinking.

its a great concept but they don’t work wee at all. that was the first thing I tried 13 years ago. I got inspired by them again a few years ago and thought," maybe I was missing something last time".lol. they still bombed. I was pulling for them.

I don’t know about the Wiljer oversleeve. I do recall that the Wiljer regular sleeve had the strongest ends of
any sleeve I have ever used. The fabric wore out and the ends were still good. I don’t know if it is still that way.

Thanks whatapane, I have 4 small skylights on a 12/12 roof. Lots of tree sap and crap. Freebie for a friend. Green brush dos’nt work,guess I’ll have to use the peak hooks on a ladder and get up close and personal.