Couple questions for anyone that uses these day and and day for window cleaning and gutter cleaning. I’m more interested in how they will help me with gutter cleaning.
I currently have a Werner 26’ multi ladder, just in case I need to reach as I mostly wfp my residential window cleaning jobs. So this barely gets used and I’m slowly dreading gutter cleaning season that’s approaching.
I work out of a Silverado with a 6.5’ bed with a cover over it. I like to keep everything in there and away from the elements so I need to keep everything stored in the bed under the cover. This is why I use the Werner multi ladder, it fits in there and I have it on me at all times just in case.
I haven’t worked with stack ladders up to 30’ like this set up is. Will I hate it more than this Werner ladder? Just trying to work smarter not harder and I dread gutter cleaning with this ladder every time.
Mike Radzik
Pro Window Cleaning
Central Massachusetts Home
Sent from my iPhone using Window Cleaning Resource
If you are a bigger guy the flex in stacks can take some getting used to, I never used stacks with a stabilizer, but I never felt I could reach out as far on stacks as I can on extension ladders.
Man !!! I don’t know about using sectionals for gutter cleaning .
I would think extension ladders would be better suited for cutter cleaning .
I have sectionals & if I were to start cleaning gutters I would get extensions. I’m sure I could find a way to implement them for gutter cleaning . I don’t know [MENTION=1736]JfromtheD[/MENTION] will know more.
If all you did was 2 story houses with no peaks I would say ya maybe.
I do know you wouldn’t regret getting them for window cleaning.
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Everything I need for a job is in the bed of the truck in this picture, except my power washer equipment.
I know extensions are the way to go for gutter cleaning, but would prefer something easily stored and easily erected as opposed to carrying the Werner 26’ multi ladder.
I figured since this has stabilizers, leg levelers, and 30’ of stack ladder it may be a cheaper option than finding a tool box, ladder rack, bed cover that fits everything else seemlessley. I’ve looked into that and to get that set up proper it would be around $4-5k, which I don’t really want to spend that much money on a set up.
Mike Radzik
Pro Window Cleaning
Central Massachusetts Home
Sent from my iPhone using Window Cleaning Resource
How about a topper . That is the one thing I regret not getting when I first bought my pick up. When I had a pick up by the time I needed it more then ever it was to late . I new my days were numbered with the one I had so… I stuck it out loading an unloading. Loading and unloading .
Oh an my sectionals wouldn’t fit straight in unless they hung out the back. I had to diagonally fit them in. 6’ bed. Oh man those days were bad.
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I love my stack ladders. They fit in the back of my short bed truck with no problem. Their great for doing high inside work and easy to move around. I only carry 4 sections in my truck, but that and the wfp gets me all I need. I don’t do a lot of gutters. I wouldn’t quit doing what now works for you, but at the same time I bet you would love and find lots of ways to save time by also adding some stack ladders , See if you could get 3 sections to start, save a little money and see how you like them.
I’ve used stack ladders, but only 4 sections at most and for window cleaning they’re a great tool.
I’m already sick of muscling up this Werner multi ladder for gutter cleaning jobs and I need something to fit inside the bed of my truck now.
A cap cost around $3500, a whole crazy cover/ladder rack/tool box is around $4000, but 30’ of stack ladder that fits what I have now is $1300.
Thanks for all the input guys, I suppose I should just give it a shot and see if I like it. If not, then I have some stack ladders that I’ve always wanted anyway.
Mike Radzik
Pro Window Cleaning
Central Massachusetts Home
Sent from my iPhone using Window Cleaning Resource
Four pieces is pretty much standard for most gutter jobs.
And by “standard” I mean the rule, not the exception.
Yes, you can/will use 2-3 pieces for the lower’s,
but for the most part you can expect to be on 4-41/2 or more.
The silver lining, you will become so familiar with the 4 and higher during "gutter season,"
that you will be a MONSTER when you go back to 3 for residential windows.
You will be throwing them around like they were soft, fluffy, beach towels.
I didn’t read all of the previous posts carefully (I’m sick, reading comprehension suffers, so sue me ;)). Here’s my thought on stacks for gutter cleaning: [I]just don’t do it[/I].
An extension ladder allows you much more ‘adjustability’ (I don’t think that’s a word, but I can’t be bothered with a thesaurus right now). One foot increments means you can rest the stabilizer on the roof and always have the ladder at the proper angle. A stack ladder, even with a half piece, which that kit doesn’t come with, will be at an awkward angle half the time. The stack ladder also narrows at the top, which is fine for window cleaning when your placement is usually on the side frame near the top of a window. But it’s less ideal for when you’re facing a home head-on, and you want as much lateral stability as possible. I’m also not a huge fan of using the “open-rung” stabilizers on a roof. I’m not sure they’ll even have the reach to go over most gutters.
Also, 5 sections of stack ladders is excessive, imho. There are some sectional diehards who will disagree with me on that, but I think you’ll find the majority of sectional ladder users will agree with me in that anything above 24’ (4 1/2 sections) is really best suited for extension ladders (barring any tricky interior work where you can’t get an extension).
Additionally, the kit from WCR will only provide 26’ of reach, as there is a foot of overlap at each section. So now you’re looking at heaving around approx. 55 lbs of ladder (about 10-11 lbs per section, plus accessories), which will have more flex, less ‘adjustability’ (boy that word bugs me…), less reach, and arguably less stability than a lightweight 32’ extension ladder.
Bottom line, I would really recommend researching your options for a ladder rack some more. There’s no way it should end up costing you more than $1000 to get a decent rack, and perhaps modify your topper to work with it. Using extension ladders for gutter cleaning will be so much more enjoyable and efficient than trying to use stacks.
I love stack ladders, not big on extension’s, But i can understand where your coming from. Even though I don’t need a ladder rack, I got this and use it pretty unconventionally for hoses and other stuff. Get a coupon and you can save another 20 bucks or so
For me Stack Ladder is essential. You can’t beat it’s compactness and versatility. I get along fine doing gutters with stack, but I will agree that extension ladders are more suitable for gutters.
Okay maybe I’m a dumb stupid newbie but is it really easier to use stacks over extensions? I like the stack ladder too for a ton of different apps but my extensions seems to work faster in other ways… What’s up?
I didn’t read all of your post (ADD so sue… squirrel!), but I agree.
If I was to do gutters then yeah, extension all the way. I’ve got an undercover bed cover so I can take it off easily and then I’d invest in a single rack from homedepot or harborfreight. Or I might be tempted to drill through my bedcover to facilitate a rack… I’ve been toying with this idea actually.
Gotta do what you gotta do… My box seems to be attached to my bed but recently the beeatch moved and then later in the day it moved back… Gotta run a couple more bolts in it somewhere I geuss…