Starting A New Life

Wait, you have 30k to spend right now?

So i could potentially get started with less then that?

Since im new to this, what would you say is a fair asking price for the service?
Ive read some charge per hour, and some per pane / window, pros to cons them?

Hold off on the rapping there rock star, lol. You will do way better according to most folks on here by doing direct mail. The idea is to spend as little as reasonably possible, get started to see if itā€™s even viable for YOU, and then take steps to grow the baby. Get a logo professionally made, couple thousand good flyers, and maybe cards you can pass out. Buying a wrap and waiting for the phone to ring is a tailspin waiting to happen. Iā€™m no mogul or anything. But Iā€™ve yet to get fancier than Microsoft word flyers copied at kinkos. I donā€™t even have business cards, because they wonā€™t sell for me.


If you have a truck and a ladder . You can buy some basic tools for about $100.

I started with $45 and a buddy let me borrow a ladder . But, my first 2 checks went to buy pro tools .

Buy some basic tools , donā€™t go over board. Make some simple flyers on a printer . And hit the street .


The common theme seems to be this.


The best piece of advice I can tell you is once you are established, pay yourself first, then invest money in more equipment. It is real easy to start buying toys and keep buying them and the next thing you know you just blew all of your money and have nothing to show for it.

Obviously you need to spend some money to get started, though.

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@JaredAI has some great posts pinned somewhere on here with regards to the type of tools you need to start, as well as some good salesy stuff for how to approach store managers when you are pounding the pavement trying to build a route.

Ill try and do those things.
Thank yall for this wonderful advice. Stay tuned and ill let yall know how it goes when I get started :smiley:

Iā€™ve Heard lies of Guys starting with a gas station squeegee and newspapers stolen from a recycling bin. Itā€™s all about the moxie.

I have 30k in my future budget. But thatā€™s a long ways away. You can start with a squeegee and a mop if you wanted. There is no magic number.


Ettore and Unger have starter packages, might give you a good idea of the basic components and costs. Just donā€™t buy more than you need. Oh , bring a bunch of towels to your first jobs and do some pro bono work to improve your skill.

Just tap the icon in the upper left corner, then enter ā€œstarterā€ in the search field on the store page and you will have a bunch of packages to review.

Ok great, ill try that thanks!

You see thats the advantage of being a human. If life hands you crap you can simply tear up the script and write a new one. Set out a 5 year plan of where you want to be relationship, business and personally.

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Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your decision to ā€œget realā€. Starting a window cleaning business can be very similar to playing an RPG (my very favorite kind of game).

For equipment you can get started for less than $200 if you spend smart and keep your jobs simple. Skills are more important than tools so try to avoid getting GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) early on.

Many cleaners find that they use less and less gear as their skillset improves over time. Just like ā€œgrindingā€ in an RPG to enhance your character, there will be times you just have to knuckle down and repeat, repeat, repeat, until you OWN that skill.

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Hit me up on bnet. Audie#1810


I donā€™t know, if games are straining his relationships and heā€™s trying to make a change in the right direction to salvage his marriage, it seems that putting his focus on his relationships and building a business should be his priority, not more gaming.

Meet me on bnet is akin to telling the new guy at AA to meet you at the bar to discuss his problems. :scream:


Honestly, it sounds to me like your relationships are more important at this point. How does your wife feel about this new idea? Or does she even know about it? You have a job and it sounds like you have free time. If I were you, at least initially, I would spend that free time rebuilding those relationships that I feel I have neglected. Starting a business will take a lot of your attention and time, which gaming has done to this point. Starting a business, even if it is a successful one can strain a marriage. If it fails, even worse.

If in playing these games for so long has given your wife the impression that you are not a contributor around the house or in your relationships then ā€œstarting a businessā€ might seem like a whim to her and she probably wonā€™t commit to the idea. If you proceed without your wifeā€™s support then either your marriage potentially fails (resentment) or your business potentially fails, or both. If in 6 months or a year she sees that you have turned a new leaf and have changed, then she will likely be more willing to support your idea and both your marriage and your business stand a better chance of surviving. Not to mention that in that time if the idea of starting a window cleaning business is still in your head then it may not be just a whim. I havenā€™t started my business yet, but I imagine it will be stressful when I do. Having the support of my wife and solid relationship to come home to on those hard days is going to be critical. I canā€™t imagine coming home to the inevitable fights that happen in a neglected relationship.

Anyway, just my opinion. Granted, I am speaking from the POV of a man with a wife who is my partner in life and not someone I lead around. Good luck to you.


I was thinking something along the same lines, but you said it much better than I could have.

Starting a business is stressful. And even once youā€™re fairly established, self employment tends to be more demanding of your time and attention than a typical 9-5. It is also easier to slip into workaholism. So if youā€™re prone to addiction, the business could simply take the place of gaming. And thereā€™s not really a ā€˜cold turkeyā€™ treatment option for workaholism.

Get your life in order, find ways to simplify, not complicate things further, and focus on the important stuff. Starting a business can come after that, if thatā€™s still what you really want.