Starting from Scratch Episode #5


Thanks, Mark.

Regarding cold-call pricing…I frequently hear from potential customers who, for example, have never had their windows cleaned that they had no idea how much it may cost. Some, in fact, never even consider either paying someone to clean them or that there is an industry dedicated to window cleaning.

The mere fact that someone has yet to remove damage or graffiti does not necessarily mean that it does not bother them or that they value the removal less than if they contacted you.

As you stated, have a minimum charge policy and consider all the variables in presenting a quote.

The point was just to differentiate between the extremes, one who’s lived with the damage for some time and one who is on the phone the instant any damage occurs requesting immediate service. I can only draw from experience as a service person and as a consumer. I’ve pointed out plenty of damage that I’ve spotted around windows over the years only to have the customers shrug it off. Giving them a deal has sometimes convinced them to go ahead with the extra work needed. On the other hand I’ve had people call up requiring an emergency clean or screen repair work and have charge a bit more which the customers found more than reasonable under the circumstances.

But good points added Larry, thank you for watching.

Great examples for pricing… Thanks again Mark.