Stealing Customers' Employees

Is it ethical? Lol

That one’s pretty obvious, not something you would want to do.

If I have to ask, it’s probobly not? Lol. I wonder if @JaredAI or @windowgleam got a meme for that

The way you phrased the question makes it unethical by definition.

If the employee is not happy or approaches you… That’s fine I think. Also no harm educating the employee on what you offer, then they can make an informed decision.

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It’s called headhunting. Targeting an outstanding employee who is being under utilised in their role or underpaid at another business can work out well for both of you.

Let’s say you need a crew leader. Imagine there’s a really great tech at another company. But that company already has a crew leader and the tech is getting frustrated at lack of advancement.

You hire the tech and get a super motivated employee who can spread his wings. He gets a promotion, his career path opens up and he’s no longer “stuck” just because someone got the only senior role before he did.

Headhunting to take all staff to cripple a business is different. That’s not in the employees benefit as well.
If you and employee benefit, only loser is past employer. Past employee should then question why their staff are being tempted away… and then protect their business by fixing the in inhouse problems identified.


Banks do it ALL the time. See it all over. But then again a chunk of bankers are crooks. Lol.

Corre,tion. They steal competitions employees

Sorry buddy no meme for this one. I could but the most vocal opinions on this topic tend to be over-entitled small business employer who confuse “giving a guy a job” with “ownership/slavery”

This is a “pre-emptive response”

I accept there are ungrateful employees sometimes. Accept it. Move on. Don’t design your business to trap or punish employees. Focus on the important stuff.

Zero energy to argue with lines like this:

I have the kid a job when no one else would and now he’s left… … why tho? Better wages, do you still talk down to him like a kid, is he too smart for window cleaning

He owes me. All the work I give him puts bread on his families table, he can’t leave… … whut? As a business owner you hire people so you’re business can get more done. Very rare that a job is pure charity. A job has to be good for both sides , healthy wages and enjoyable work for him, clean windows income and profit for you

Guys a damn fool. He can’t even squeegee straight and he dresses like shit. I could replace him easy (did while panicking because you know you keep hiring People just like this) … … who’s fault is it that this employee acts like this in your business? If he can’t squeegee… you neeed to improve your training. If he dresss like shit you need to be clear about the standards. If he used to clean great, and used to dress great, then his standards slipped down… go talk to him like a human. Maybe he just got lazy, so good riddance. Maybe his mum just died and he’s not handling it.

I know that was a bit of a 7am rant. But some WCRA users have really crappy attitudes to employment. How many times has it been posted “can I pretend my employees are contractors so I can pay less tax”

@IronLionZion im sure you’ll be a great boss. I mts just an important topic


Idk sometimes I see guys that watch me clean and look interested. Then when I ask them how they’re days going its, “ah okay” Starts to wonder me if they’re interested in a change.

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Done things like this but not “stealing”

Found out one party was unhappy, spoke to the other party and they were no happy

Got permission to talk but did not hire. I did not bite any hand that feeds me.

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id look for someone that has a problem. an out of work sort. not a real out -and- out loser but someone who defo needs a break. maybe someone with 1 bad eye ? or an attitude problem ? but probably not both!
cos that sort who has been kicked in the teeth really has the edge over a self confident bullshitter sort

I recently had something happen that made me never want to try to hire someone from one of my businesses. I was talking to one of the managers of a local cafe, and we were talking about my business growth and he asked me if I would ever hire someone. It seemed like a general question, but he seemed like he had a personal interest so I told him maybe, a little about it and would he be interested? (First person I have met that I thought would be a good fit) I was clear that it would be awhile, and if I did go that route I would let him know. (Im thinking 1- 2 years before i take somone on if i do) No job offer on the table or even close to one. Next cleaning the owner suddenly told me while she was paying me not to try to take her emoloyees. She said her manager told her I had given him a job offer…which tells me he was likely trying to get a raise and threw me under the bus for it, even when there was no real job offer. :neutral_face: I still have the account for now, but lesson learned. Don’t even mention a job to an employee without clearing it with the owner unless that is an account you are ok with losing and potientially hurting your rep.

No u shouldn’t offer your customer’s employees a job.

If i found out i hired you to clean my windows and u were trying to recruit my employees i would fire u. It’s just unprofessional. Most businesses also have a “no soliciting” policy on their door.

In certain cases I think it’s okay. Being open and communicable goes a long way.

Lol, Where? I’ve never “seen” one. If you avoid those, you’re not gonna be doing storefront for long. No soliciting :roll_eyes:

I was referencing tbe OP… trying to steal customers qualifies as soliciting. :roll_eyes:

I guess in the sense of a little rat in the corner snitching to a customers employee about how you could offer more money if they just leave his sappy job would be considered a low life objective. Too Shea. Lol. That wasn’t the actual meaning of the post. I guess I should’ve named to post “offering employment to unsatisfied customers employees”. For the more proper professional guys here. Lol. Stealing anything is bad. I think most of us with any brains knows that.


Even if it’s stealing your :heartpulse: @IronLionZion

That went awkward quick. I’m out.