Taxes, receipts, payment for the new guy

If I start my business and pay taxes when tax time comes around do I need to have a fully legitimized business? (LLC, Sole proprietorship, S-Corp, etc.) or can I just pay taxes as the neighborhood window cleaner? Don’t think I would run into problems with this next topic but if I made business cards with my last name followed by window cleaning (Ex. Smith Window Cleaning) would I need need to form a legitimized business? Or am I allowed to have a business name without actually forming a fully legitimized business? Next topic, if I used something like Square to take card payments would I need to have a legitimized business (LLC, S-Corp,etc.). Last thing goes along with Square as well… if I were to send clients their receipts through email or whatever would I need to have a legitimized business to do that? New to all the in’s and out’s of running a business so these questions are probably simple maybe even dumb to the seasoned guys but I’m having trouble finding the answers. Thanks in advance, love that people are willing to help the new guy, no matter how silly his questions sounds haha.

All you really need to do is register with the state you live in. Its not that difficult. Call the department of revenue and ask them or go online and do a quick Google search on how to incorporate.

Then do as I said last week and call your department of revenue to register for a sales tax liscense.

If this is what you want to do then yes you need to follow the steps you just outlined.


I can’t push you new guys towards this enough. Go to your local S.C.O.R.E. office.



Take advantage of local professional business men and women giving you good - quality - FREE - advice that even pertains to the area that you live in.

Asking advice from people who live in different States than you will not always be to your advantage.


Awesome! Never heard of SCORE so I’ll definitely check it out! Thanks

An llc or s-corp is a tiny bit more involved to start up and if that’s more than you want to do right now then just go sole proprietor. It’s virtually effortless. But yes, you must do that. The IRS wants to know your business structure when you get your tax ID number, which is a requirement. Go on for lots of great free info. Also, check your state’s website. You should find stuff. This is seriously something you can take care of in a few hours in one evening.

Also, forget square. Everyone pays by check or cash anyway. Not that you shouldn’t get it ever, but it’s pretty unimportant imo at this stage… Especially if you’re debating about whether or not you should even legally register! I was all obsessed with being able to accept credit card payments. Thought it was a huge deal. Not one person has paid by cc yet, and I’m glad cause that way i keep all the money.

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Well not all the money! lol

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Get your self a DBA. Simple just google it
Open a business account. Get s business credit card. Buy every thing thorough the credit card. Pay it every month through your business account
Get an accountant. Pay your sales tax quarterly An business taxes monthly.
Then later you can look into Llc or incorporate.


Don’t need a DBA if you’re using your name but must include first and last name in the business name.

Huh ???

Think I heard about that years ago


John Johnson Janitorial…

Then no DBA… needed?

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Check with your state office as it may be different, also Johnson is common

That’s all I was looking for to complete your post… :wink:

If you are using your full name, as in John Johnson Widget Emporium, then you do not need to file a DBA.
If, however, you chose JJ or John J or John’s Widget Emporium, then you would have to file for a DBA.

Any name should be checked first even if it’s your name because like John Johnson is so common you want to be sure you don’t have a same or similar in your area.

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…providing the same service or same type of business is being engaged. Example: John Johnson Landscapes and John Johnson Window Cleaning are two different services or businesses and should not pose an issue.

In Texas you would still need a dba. You cannot open a business bank account without one. Without the business account you cannot cash a check written to Jack Johnsons Widget Emporium.

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And this, ladies and gentleman, is why I always say - have a meet and greet with your local S.C.O.R.E. office. The best FREE advice you will find anywhere. :wink:


Glad you clarified that

Every time I type in my zip, it tells me to use a valid zip code? Then I tried zip codes surrounding me and still nothing. I’m in Dekalb IL.