The Whole Roof and Nothing But The Whole Roof...THAT is the question!?


I frequent Dallas about 3 times a year. Gloeocapsa Magma did not appear in strength in the Metroplex until about 5 years ago. It is actually a bacterial infection that does not have the warmth and moisture requirements of algae. You are seeing on the north and west exposures of the roofs there because the infection takes between 3 to 5 years to bloom in enough force to been seen and the colonies are thick enough.

The sequence we see in the South East that roofs become stained is first the north side, then the west, followed by the east and the south side will be the very last side to stain unless there is a tree or something that created shade on the roof.

As DFW’s infection of Gloeocapsa Magma ages the other sides of the roof will stain. Roof cleaning is very much like pest control. If you were only seeing roaches in one room of your house you wouldn’t just treat one room but the whole house.

I started the chemical roof cleaning industry now called Soft Washing back in 1991. My companies have cleaned in excess of 50,000 roofs. All through the 90’s I traveled to and from DFW looking for dirty roofs as I spent time there. My wife and I attended college at Abilene Christian University & we have family in the Metroplex. I always tried to explain what I did for a living but until about 4 years ago didn’t have any examples of a dirty roof to show them.

Can you believe there are roof cleaning companies in San Antonio now as well??? Almost 2/3 of the US has a roof staining problem now! I get emotional sometimes when I think about how many people are out there making a living off of an idea I had 20 years ago.

Hope this helps. Call me anytime. 407-832-1108