Track brush scratching tracks

The red track brush has been my go-to since i began. I kept noticing that customer’s tracks are all scratched up, which I found strange. Then it hit me the other day: i think I’m causing those scratches! Not 100% sure, but I’m suspecting it. Those bristles are very tough. Anyone else notice this?

Ive never noticed any scratches on houses that I’ve used them to clean multiple times on, for what it’s worth.

I had noticed it on powder coated frames thats why i switched to these

So much better imo where 90% of the frames here are powder coated


Is that very different from the red track brush of about the same side that they sell here on WCR?

Th bristles are about 1/2 the thickness of the red 1, these last longer from my experience as the red ones tend to bend after a while making them unusable without trimming them

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Remember that the window slides on that track everyday , so its most likely the heavy window doing it