WCRA worth it?

What do y’all say?


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You may never know after tomorrow, but yeah man, it’s worth it.


Discounts,marketing materials… the list is long.

Also it helps to support this GREAT forum that is full of decades of knowledge (freely given) and the friendships we build here.

Have you done your own research on this? We could all say yes but you sign up and don’t percieve much value from it.

Do you:

  • buy supplies frequently?
  • use mailing type advertising?
  • use bidding services?
  • need scheduling/accounting software?
  • need to build a website?

These are just a few things. Going to the shop and checking out all that is offered will help you decide if it is right for you or not.



I buy $85 worth of supplies here and pay $15 in shipping. With the membership, $99 of purchases grants you free shipping. So, I decide to use that $15 on a tool instead of shipping. Do that 4x in a year and there is $60 right there paid back.


I don’t use those services. I go off of word of mouth and my Next Door app. I use QuickBooks for accounting purposes.

Are you wanting to grow in the near future. If so the above mentioned benefits that @TheWindowCleanse mentioned will save you a bundle.

If your doing residential a couple other good places to market are Facebook and Google.

The more crab pots in the water the more crabs you catch.


Or lobsters. If crabs aren’t your thing😂


If this is all one would use the membership for it does not seem worth it to me. Just because:
the membership is $100 for the year (right? I could be off on this). And you so if you pay $100 for the year and get $60 in savings, you’re still paying $40 extra.

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Check out all the benefits you gain by becoming a WCRA member…

Yeah, my examples were not exhaustive. It was just a starting point. The overall encouragement was to go to the store and check everything out.

Here are some more examples.

Planning on keeping it small? Then that should work plans to grow? Join

YES, I can not imagine the problems I would have had starting my business without the help of all the folks at WCRA. It is not just the dollar savings on equip it is all the questions answered, all the videos and youtube watched to learn about everything. (hours and hours). It is to me like having my own home base that I know will be there when I need them.


Point blank, if you join and do not use the resources, it will not be worth it.

If you join and do use what is available, the membership fee can easily be paid back by using one or two of the discounts. It really depends on what you are interested in.

Here is a list of discounts: WCRA Member Center - Downloads, Discounts, Office Systems, and more – WindowCleaner.com

There is an incredible amount of savings in just using a few of those alone.

Do you do direct mail or need anything else printed?

Check out At Cost Printing: http://store.atcostprinting.com/

You can see the comparison of member price to public price. All of the pirces are listed publically so you can do your research and see the savings without being a member.

If you do any shopping with us at Shop WCR whatsoever you will save a ton. Year 1 members receive 5% off everything in the store as well as free shipping on orders over $299. If you choose to renew with us that discount increases. Year 2 and above receive 10% off in the store and free shipping on orders over $99.

Just a reminder we close the doors to new members today, you can check out the full post here: https://windowcleaner.com/wcrapwra-closing-new-members/