Winter around the corner - TIPS

Thanks Majestic. These looks warm as hell!

Thanks for the glove link. I’ll make sure to order a few pairs from @SwissMike’s tip about the seams. :slight_smile:

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Haha @Luke. Speaking of solution, what do you use? :wink:

What kind of snow blower? How much are you going to charge for snow removal?

This was in Scotland we were at the Isle of Skye I cant even being to explain this places beauty!

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Watch it. It’s amazing. Stupid good acting and great plot!

The use of the W word is against the terms of service. 5 Day Time Out for you!

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Haha. Can’t I just sit in the corner for a bit?

I stay in Scotland, we have four seasons most days. 15 degrees (59f) Is “taps af weather”. Just keep safe.

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In Alaska we only have two seasons: Winter and Road Construction.