Thanks Majestic. These looks warm as hell!
Thanks for the glove link. I’ll make sure to order a few pairs from @SwissMike’s tip about the seams.
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Haha @Luke. Speaking of solution, what do you use?
What kind of snow blower? How much are you going to charge for snow removal?
This was in Scotland we were at the Isle of Skye I cant even being to explain this places beauty!
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Watch it. It’s amazing. Stupid good acting and great plot!
The use of the W word is against the terms of service. 5 Day Time Out for you!
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Haha. Can’t I just sit in the corner for a bit?
I stay in Scotland, we have four seasons most days. 15 degrees (59f) Is “taps af weather”. Just keep safe.
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In Alaska we only have two seasons: Winter and Road Construction.