Word on the street is

Continuing the discussion from Outrageous Price Quote:

Trump is pricing himself right out of the market.


Naw, he’s just putting his prices where he wants to be.



Lets see, he charges high prices and he is;
Rich, has supermodel wife/s, gets tv show, and becomes President. I don’t see the guys charging 100 dollars for membership getting any of that…


F U pay me !!!

He bought for 10 million. It’s now worth 150 million. Just looked it up. :flushed:. Such s bad business man. A phony a con artist , what business man wouldn’t want to be this phony ???

Can you guys please explain if mar-a-lago membership is worth it? I mean, I’m considering joining, but I’m not sure i see the benefits.

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It would be worth it. Just think of all the networking for cleaning you would have.

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Maybe you could clean his windows for a free membership, just up your rates a little…

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$1000 a pane.

Using di water, a gold squeegee, and pure organic soap

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