You got this

An old thread @wcs started that is still worth reading.

How successful you are doesn’t mean you need to be rich from profits.

Personally my main reason to be in business for myself is to make money. All the work onsite and in the office must first pay the bills, second generate profits to make all the extra efforts of self employment worthwhile.

Many things can be motivators to keep at it, I find these to be mine.

Satisfied customers who have respect for the level of service provide.

Employees who thrive off the income you provide them.

Personal satisfaction from simply doing a good job.

Early retirement.

Flexible schedule to allow family time.


I feel like i got lucky. but i spent about a week Knocking on doors and getting social media up. I also contacted a builder on a whim in my local area from a neighborhood i was prospecting. the day i called they almost seemed interested but when i told them i didnt have insurance they almost rejected me on the spot. but they mentioned the last window cleaner was not up to their standards. I called the builder 2 days later saying i would have insurance by the end of the next week. the next call i got was the builder asking me to do a house for them. now i have a contract. and after the first rough week of not getting anything, i am now scheduling just about a house a day and i have 2 contracts that are about to start blowing up with work. Time to form my LLC!

i would agree, that if you want it bad enough and just have faith and keep pushing, you will be taking off in no time. patience and persistence.


Book marked! Noobie checking in. Still in planning stages.

Glad to hear you are forming a LLC. You can retain more of the gross with an LLC.