So started pounding the pavement. Got a lead from an old business friend. Stopped in talked to the leasing owner. Nailed not just the office complex of 110 windows/doors for $90 but also snagged his building(pictured above) across the street from complex for $35. So stoked!
Solid man!!! I just got my first restaurants too!!!
Good luck babz!!!
Keep up the momentum. Slow for a minute, and it’s hard to start that ball rolling. Good stuff
Make sure all those folks know you do residential and scoop those up as well.
Well done to the two of you! Now leverage those new accounts into more!
Im strictly commercial for now…
@GlassMD congrates. I need to target a few restaurants. Been starting near my place and slowly working my way further away.
Only issue is the pictured windows have screen on em. With a latch to remove…so well see how that goes.
Have a couple possibles with screens screwed in…not sure how much to charge to remove/put back. But working it out
Agreed. Building a base takes acquiring diverse clientele.
Thank you! The hours are going to be hard for a bit.I’m working full time 8-4:30. Others have mentioned that restaurants can be picky with their times and that is absolutely true already. Can’t do weekends for them which hurts because that’s when I’m off. Idealy(they are across from each other) I want to get them done in 1 trip but I have to make 2. Wednesday at 5am and Thursday at 5am. Eventually, I’ll leave the full time and do it all on the Wednesday and build a route.
Babz, are you doing inside/out for it?
The posted pic and plaza are exterior only. 135 total windows. Curious how long it will take. Start tomorrow
That’s solid man. Good luck!
First run is a good trial.
Is it a 1 time gig for now or do they require scheduled maintenance?
“We’ll call you when we think its time to clean em”. Could be a test before they lock into a schedule. Tho he did mention he had another property lil ways away. So gonna talk to him tomorrow about that 1 too
Its not a test its the type of customer.
You will get heaps of these they will only get you in when they can no longer see thru their windows, and if they do book on a monthly or w/e they would say do it regularly for the lower price then on the second clean they come running out before you start telling you they are fine and stop back next month and he will decide when you arrive if he wants them done.
Lets hope not lol. Hes the one who asked about the building he works out of asking about the screens. So he added that building in with the plaza. So i dont know what he will say after im done. But im going to put my best efforts out there and see what happens. Reguardless it was a yes! Lol
That’s what scares me about the restaurants I just acquired. It’s a “weekly” gig but no contract.
We will see if it’s a “thank you for that, see you never” lol.
If they said weekly and you agreed and shook hands. Thats a binding contract in my eyes. But then again…people…haha
Thats why you don’t ask, you just do, if they agreed to weekly or w/e show up and start , then if they come out and say oh, um there not real dirty, then you say well I’m here and already started I’m gonna finish.
Could be 1 hour could be 5. Your choice. Lol
Gonna start by going slow enough to be clean but fast enough not to be there all day lol
Ill get faster with time so priority is doing them great so they will call me back…ill post time tomorrow
Ain’t that the worst?
@BaBz If anyone tries to blow you off more than a couple times in a row then say “Seriously guys, I can’t make a living if I keep customers that do that.” then give them the choice, it’s either regular or not at all.
@Samuel im treating it as a test. He knows i just started as a business. He added the 3rd building. So im thinking he wants to see how well/quick i am to decide if its worth his money. And maybe how often that price is worth it. But ill take it atm. Its a client and practice