I was wanting to know how you guys would handle this:
About a couple months ago, I quoted a monster house. $1700ish to be exact (just Window Cleaning) so you can imagine how big this house is.
It’s a 2.5 story house with 2.5 story ceilings inside.
The house has some PRETTY big double panes at this height. I’m not quite sure 1 person could even handle the size of that glass at that height.
So my question is: How would you guys handle a rather large double pane at this height?
Ladder up still?
I’m at a loss. I haven’t come across double panes at this size/height in the 4 years I’ve been solo.
Already too much thought into it. Coulda been cleaned already
Its hard to understand the problem without seeing or reading theyre PRETTY big. If its too big for one ladder placement, do it a half at a time. Cant use ladders? Room for a pole?
I don’t want this to be taken the wrong way, but why would you quote/bid a job that you had no idea how to that scope of work. That thought process eludes me…
If you can post pics maybe somebody here can walk you through the correct process to access and clean them.
Just off the top of my head do the panes in sections… without pics it’s hard to help.
Here is a picture of the glass. It’s all ladder work inside, double paned. So suggestions: go!
Although, I did let her know that I would rather not clean it than try to clean it and break it, and if she didn’t want that, then she could hire a different company. So at least she knows that, but she was pretty excited to have this one piece cleaned especially.