A question

They may. The pairs I have seen have the same orange brim and can be tied. You can see on one leg that there are loops. Yes, he should be tied off.

Another option I have heard of is buying a pair of shoes and sending them in to be spiked. Can be done for around $150 (i’ve heard, but seem logical).

[QUOTE=Dangerous;170141]Hey Dave,

Korkers, are you saying he’s wearing korkers…? [COLOR=#ff0000]NO, another brand[/COLOR]

Never saw them before looks like he’s wearing just rubber boots…

Whats the brand name ? At what stores are you pointing out ? [COLOR=#ff0000]Don’t know the brand name, but a local pressure washing and chemical supply house. I will text you the name.[/COLOR]

Hey Dave how you doing…You hook up with windowcleaning.com yet ? [COLOR=#ff0000]yes and no
Anyways he should still be tied off, because those shakes can still fail on you when walking on them !


I would’nt walk that roof even with Korkers on unless their was a way to tie off. Not only are shake roofs slippery, one loose shingle and down you go.


That’s what happen to Nick / In N Out W/C…He fell 3 stories broke his back and survived. Today he’s doing much better !



Better question would be, Whats right with the picture?

Answer. Nothing

I am here: Google Maps

That’s why you sound like you have a slight british accent in your videos, aye dave? :smiley:

More Native Merican…Yat-ta Hey !



Saucony Hattori’s on indo board w/ prosthetic after 1 month - YouTube

wow i must be nuts, i see nothing wrong
done that 1000x


If you fell someday, would you continue those work practices?

Be careful, you don’t want to be eating out of a straw

He needs to hit the gym! Funny looking boots! Has on joggers. His clothes don’t match :wink:

Where did you get that picture??

Hey Oliver,

Do you know this guy ?

Got it off the internet !

Your Bud / Dange

So this thread is to get us to think about safety…

The picture above,(walking the roof) is not any different then the cleaner we saw on You Tube walking the 5 story ledge without a safety line! Sure that video seemed way more dangerous but walking steep roves is as dangerous.

It’s to show and teach people here what to look for while doing dangerous work and what cleaners should try to to refrain from to prevent accidents, or do, ergo a safety line , a lot of accidents occur from falling off roves…I fell off a roof and survived, thank God !

Lets say it’s a visual learning process before we find ourselves in this situation taking over calculated risks, we all take extreme risks at sometime or another and I’m only trying to give others a feel for safety to help keep them safe.

Sure people are still going to continue to do as they please whether right or wrong, but as cleaners we still need to be pointed to what is safe and unsafe it may just save our lives or a friend of ours life.

Even a cleaner with years of Journeymen experience take undue risks and they also have accidents, I did by not wearing korkers on a wood shake roof.

Just because we can do it doesn’t mean we are being safe, Yawl !

This fella on the roof should also be wearing a safety line in this situation, this roof is to steep to be walking even with korkers ! He is putting himself at undue risks and it only a matter of time before something serious can happen !

You know danger is prevalent even on a 4’ step ladder, you can smash your scull or even break your neck.

So to say again the purpose of this thread is to initiate safety, thinking safely and working safely, to think things through before we…step into oblivion !

I hope we all work and think Safe !


David Gutierrez / Advanced Window Cleaning Service

So Yawl…What do yawl see wrong with this cleaner in this picture…[B][SIZE=4]??

I don’t see any windows to clean.
