Advertising on Facebook

Does anyone generate great business advertising or posting organically on FB? We’ve just launched a page and it would be good to get some feedback or ideas that really worked.

I wouldn’t say I have had anyone specifically say they originally found me on FB, however, a lot have commented they like to see that I have one and how page my online presence is.

I do okay with FB but stuff that works out in my small town might not be as effective in larger markets.


Niki Facebook is great social proof. Organic results seem to be minimal at first.
Join local facebook groups be an active member of those groups not just posting your ads, then put up an ad every once in awhile it will generate you a good amount of attention and work.

Check out this thread it will give you quality content for your facebook ads.

Hope this helps.

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Hey! I post ads in Spring and Fall don’t seem to help much but it’s cheap advertisement.