Just for some fun to kick off the next work week I thought I’d ask you guys and gals how window cleaners view the possible existence of beings from other worlds. Do you believe aliens exist?
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- No
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Just for some fun to kick off the next work week I thought I’d ask you guys and gals how window cleaners view the possible existence of beings from other worlds. Do you believe aliens exist?
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Aliens as in Cartman gets an anal probe aliens or aliens as in micro-organisms existing on other planets?
Come on Jessie!
The movie Paul has a great take on the anal probe. Why would, an advanced civilization capable of interstellar travel, want to probe our anuses?
Lol. I’m talking straight up aliens like Aliens vs. Predator or yes micro organisms on Enceladus
If anyone has any proof of extra terrestrials that they’d like to share feel free @DaveYogi
It is hard to believe that in the entire vast universe that Planet Earth is the only planet with intelligent life and a breathable atmosphere. I don’t mean in our own Milky Way, but some solar system with another “milky way” far, far, far away that we, or they, have no possible way of traveling to. Anything is possible.
Since close by planets don’t have a breathable atmosphere there very well could be some sort of bacterial or micro organism type of life that can actually thrive in a uninhabitable atmosphere to human type beings, and those creatures could even be COCKROACHES!
All in all, Hubble reveals an estimated 100 billion galaxies in the universe or so, but this number is likely to increase to about 200 billion as telescope technology in space improves…
So far, astronomers have found more than 500 solar systems and are discovering new ones every year. Given how many they have found in our own neighborhood of the Milky Way galaxy, scientists estimate that there may be tens of billions of solar systems in our galaxy, perhaps even as many as 100 billion.
So to reiterate 100billion galaxies each containing up to 100 billion solar systems which would be 1x10^22 suns in the sky, each sun has a bunch of planets around it, well most do.
You would have to be extremely ignorant to think ours in a number we don’t even have a word for because its SO great we cant even imagine it and we are all there is unless you can tell me what this number is 10000000000000000000000
greetings earthling, take me to your new leader… mr putin.
Maybe they are watching us. They can survive nuclar blast. So if we nuke ourselves. They can leave laughing at us and realize we werent worth it
I found the series, Genius: with Stephen Hawkings on PBS, very entertaining.
If I counted correctly, that would be Ten Sextillion, more proof of possible anal probing conspiracy.
From a purely mathematical standpoint: I don’t think so.
Why? Because it’s so improbable that life exists anywhere in the universe. Just because you have more of something doesn’t help the concept. For example, what are the odds of dropping a bucket of red, white, and blue confetti out of a plane and having it all land on the ground in the shape of the american flag? The conditions for life to exist are mathematically the same.
So looking at it from a mathematical perspective, it doesn’t work. Life cannot come from nonlife. Unless you hold to intelligent design (and no, it’s not the same as creationism and it’s not necessarily religious).
There are interesting theological concepts and CS Lewis was debating that back in the day. His space trilogy is pretty interesting regarding this subject.
But I’m a math/physics sort of guy and biology is such a soft science. I love reading Hawking, but what’s interesting about physicists is that they suck at philosophy and are even worse when it comes to biology.
Repeating evolution in a similar or exact galaxy as our own that is so far away we can’t even hope to reach it, and yet again in another similar or exact galaxy as that one so far away that neither one of us can hope to reach it, etc. - then yea, the possibility of life out there exists.
What kind of life? Micro-organism? Conscious intelligent life? I’m still going to say the odds are an inverse tangent function approaching the naw asymptote the more planets you involve.
Meanwhile, it’s fun to debate and contemplate.
Any kind of life. Like amoeba forms that very likely started on this planet back when magnetic’s, gases, and dust formed, building an evolving system of events that produced planets both in the habitable zone (ours) and uninhabitable zones (beyond ours as we know it).
I’ll have to get back to this but there is a documentary that I just watched(and just came out) about alien cover up. It truly makes it hard to believe that they do not exist.
According to Dr Frank Drake’s Equation, mathematically there are possibly over ten thousand civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy alone. Since the installation of the Hubble Telescope, the estimated ‘Solar Systems’ in our galaxy has increased drastically and this would increase the numbers in the Drake Equation calculation.
Generally speaking, organic life is made from progressive chemical reactions and/or adaptations of ‘mostly’ carbon and hydrogen atoms mixing with other atoms to form molecules and then cells and then etc…the possibility of life developing starts at anywhere between .1 to 1.0%. Carbon and Hydrogen atoms are found throughout the universe. We are made of stardust. None of this proves or disproves the existence of God or of intelligent design.
Simulation Theory can bring a whole new dimension the this discussion.
“As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.”
-Albert Einstein
That’s what we do here.
Only if you’re a follower of The Church of The Flying Spaghetti Monster.
N = R fp ne fl fi fc L
R - rate of formation of stars (we can get a decent number for this, depending on relativistic factors)
fp - stars with planets (we can get a fairly good guess at this)
ne - number of earth like planets (umm, can’t get a really good guess at this, but it’s probably safe to say “tiny”)
fl - fraction of planets with life (can’t even get a bad guess at this)
fi - fraction of planets with intelligent life (the guesses get worse)
fc - fraction of planets that can communicate (just pull a number out of your dog’s butt)
L - lifetime of communicating civilization (let’s just throw a big number out there because why not?)
I like good sci-fi more than the next guy, but Drakes equation isn’t even in the realm of good sci-fi. But what do I know? I think digital watches are a neat idea.
Speaking of good sci-fi, Enders Game was the first book I read that actually dealt with relativistic issues.
But lately, the series that I was really excited about was Jack Cambell’s Lost Fleet Series. Just pure awesome and demonstrated how difficult space warfare would actually be when ships can travel greater than 0.1 light speed.
It’s also one of the things that bugged me about Star Wars/Trek. Oh, the empire is attacking such and such - you warp there and then “Oh, that happened 50 years ago, the war is long over, where you been?” You need an improbability drive.
Assuming there is intelligent life out there… do you think they use dawn in their buckets?