Almost there

Well today I’ve concluded that I’m pretty much ready to hit the streets and try out this window cleaning thing. I’ve been practicing these last few weeks and getting my technique down. I switched many times between fanning and straight pulls, trying to see which was easier and worked better for me. My straight pulls are much more consistent. Sometimes with fanning I’m having to do the windows over again, sometimes having to redo them multiple times. Straight pulls I usually get the first time. Only thing left is pole work. I really haven’t practiced it. This weekend is gonna be all pole work and hoping I can get it down so that I can hit the streets this week. Im most likely going to go to a couple businesses and tell them I am a new window cleaner and if they would like to get a free cleaning in exchange for their feedback, critiques, comments and concerns. I’d like to thank everyone who contributed to this forum. There are many of you that comment regularly on my posts that have greatly helped me. Thank you all. Hope you guys have either a relaxing weekend or a money making weekend.


Great prep work Parker. Go out and sell is all i would say. Best wishes this week!

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And this just may very well turn into your first paying jobs.
Remain in control, you are the boss of your own business.
Let the customer be the one looking for you. (Of course you are looking for them, but don’t show any desperation.) :wink:

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I needed to quote you just so i could read you wall of text. Major tip for forum writing or any writing. Add spacing so we can read without getting a headache or lost.

I’ll comment about what you wrote after I can now read it. : D

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It is very good to see you are getting a lot of practice. Straight pulls are easy, if you’ve got that down, just practice fanning. I used to HATE FANNING. I would laugh when I saw ex co workers do it…

They just sucked at it, after watching TradMan, Luke, SteveO, and Many others in videos, I was like, oh, okay You just have to be smart and skilled, I can be that! After a lot of practice on my 50 panes of glass at Round Table Pizza I got really good. I use this place to practice or test all my new tools. This is where I will be using my WFP for the first time officially on a paid customers building.

If you want to do free work, go find friends and family, don’t go giving away business JUST for free to commercial/storefront.


Interesting. I’ve never tried straight pulls without a pole before. Just never occurred to me.

Hey @Parker1751

Sound like your progressing in your window cleaning technique. Keep at it!

Practice as much as possible with a pole it will make you a lot more money when it comes to route work (Its a huge time saver.)

It doesn’t matter where you practice JUST practice.

Good luck out there.