Anyone have any tips for this? Looks like a giant PITA.
Indoor pad cleaner on a pole, with a gooseneck, standing on ultra expensive countertop?
Is anyone even looking at those windows and saying "You know, they are so dirty I can’t see out, lets get them cleaned."
Run a dust mop on extension pole around them, vacuum what falls and let that be it?
I hadn’t thought of a goose neck. It doesn’t even look like you can see the glass but for a couple inches at the top. She wants inside/outside cleaned. I have $100 minimum, but I might need to buy supplies since I don’t have pads or a goose neck.
Id say 100 for that is pretty decent. You should be able to clean that In an hour with setup and year down time. Grab some cheap items to do the job out of that. Or charge them 120 and buy from the extra 20. Depends on how much they’re willing to pay
Approx how deep are they inset, looks like an angle adapter would do the trick? You basically can get away with an HD Unger backing plate and pads for those window (minimal cost) $10 bucks maybe.
I haven’t seen it in person. The customer sent me these pics.
Could also use a ledger with a flop mop. You can borrow mine
Gonna say 6 inches
If they really have to be cleaned you could lay a couple of rubber mats on the counter, set a ladder, and gain access to clean that way. $100 would be minimum.
Sounds about right.
@Gotlift everyone gave you great options, pick one and go make another happy customer!
Nice! Does that offer come with training?
Yeah, they’re easy to use, except you need that stupid wooden dowel thingy. Hate those things
You should be good with a 6 foot A frame ladder on top of the counter top. Double check with the home owner if the counter top is walkable . Also I bet theses have never been cleaned so you’ll probably need to bid like a CCU
To me, This is a really-talk-it-thru scenario with the customer, like you’re on the same team. Dont worry about sounding like you dont know what youre doing or sounding unprofessional.
“Ok, hmmm, so we have a number of challenges here. How important to you is it that the insides get cleaned?”
“Ok, well here is what Im seeing. 1) The chandelier. The last thing I want to do is put a nick in one of the sconces, which is a possibility. Not impossible to overcome but certainly a consideration.”
“2) Deep ledges. Increases the difficulty and also i wouldnt want to damage the outside corners of the wall with my pole closing out.”
“3) So, I mean, the best way would be to ladder up to it but then we have the island to navigate around.”
“How would you feel about me covering the countertop and placing a ladder on top, if necessary? Just brainstorming. Im not a huge fan of that idea myself.”
“A safer option would be to set up the ladder on the ground on either side of the island and then see if I can reach the other 2 sides. Yeah, actually, if I bring a small extension pole up with me, that may work.”
Idk, something like that. Ppl like that extra mile of communication, instead of, “oh yeah, no problem.” Then they see you struggling.
looks like marble or granite counter top, they crack EASILY and cost a FORTUNE.
And that needs to be in the discussion.
Is cleaning the inside of windows that you won’t be able to see out of important enough to risk the counter top?
The silver lining, if there is one, is that nobody will ever be able to tell if they are really cleaned.
I would only dust those windows with a duster pole, you do not want to try using ladder on counter and that chandelier is just dying to be broke.
That is simply an insurance claim waiting to happen imo
Most of the time I find that the client is more concerned about the cobwebs and dust bunnies up there than the actual glass. I would use a webster and a pole to remove all the dust and webs, sweep it up, and dust or polish the glass. Clean the exterior of course. But as mentioned, a conversation with the homeowner is best.