Any opinions on proper quality level?

They say knowledge and experience is “priceless”… :sweat_smile:


Another good thread. I’ve been too focused on getting every little speck of paint that I end up spending twice as long as some windows. Never again!

Time to implement a three tier pricing system… that I did not steal from one of your sites… wink wink

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I’ll take my check at the end of the month, thank you

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Awwww, busted. :frowning:

thank you for responding with all that helpful information.

Anytime! :slight_smile:

Looks good Samuel! :grin:

As long as the customer understands what they are getting its all good, I NEVER remove any construction debris of glass during a initial clean unless a CCU has been booked and quoted for.
I don’t know about many of you guys but at quote time I am getting a count checking out access and level of dirt, you generally can’t see paint, hard water on a dirty window, so I will inform the customer after I have completed the job of any areas that need further attention and give a price for those services will will be done at a separate date most times, but my quotes all state that I will not remove construction debris or hard water staining for the quoted price.

That price-levels piece (ambassador, presidential, etc.) is so good I can’t believe it

yes, you will also set yourself up with every customer to say well he’s as good as he used to be.,

So if you quoted a job not a CCU. Your Clesning an you notice a few speckles of paint… You won’t take it off :thinking: If not what do you get per speckle ?

An is it worth coming back ?

Mind you for me to scrape a few speckled of paint takes me all but 3 seconds , so… Trival stufff I just do it

Now if it’s all over all the windows different story if I didn’t pick it up during initial quote I stop what I’m doing bring it tot he customers attention alert her of the price increase am why. Sign waiver an we do what needs to be done them an there

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if your charging for a wash do a wash, (i expect to razor a window over the kitchen sink but not all windows).

i had a great staff member in my photo business, but there was one thing he did that was bad for business that i could not get him to stop.
customer has film developed, looks at pics john would comment "you had some great shots that would make nice enlargements, great he sells an enlargement, we offer hour day and week service, he sells the week which would due the same day the following week but he says i’ll have it ready for you this thursday .!!! if he does it the customer now expects faster service than he is paying for and it becomes very awkward in the future.
in some cases i would be working the wednesday and thursday while he had the days off, i know the job’s not due till next week so i leave it for him but of course the customer comes in to get thursday morning. “oh yeah i see your enlarement order here but it’s not due till monday”, “he told me it would be ready today” now i look like a jerk and the customer is dissapointed.
say what you will do and what you will charge, then do that!
IF you decide to do something extra for free make sure they know!
“hey i took off a drip of paint on the back window which i normally charge extra for but you got a little freebie today!”

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do you have your car washed? or do you have it detailed? there is a large difference in price.


This thread and other similar ones has helped me set standardized prices for the multiple services my company offers. In order to get good value from the marketing/SEO guy that I will hire next week I have put a lot of effort into standardizing, which is essential for second party representation or internet perusals (thanks to @Samuel for presenting such a nice template).
The previous owner of my company didn’t have standardized systems for pricing the services, so I started at ground zero five months ago. When I worked for him it was extremely time consuming to do bids and seriously impacted the sales process.

Nope, Never means never. it will be organized for the next clean as if they haven’t noticed it til now I’m sure they will be right for 6 months
honestly these days houses here are getting more and more tempered glass in them, all sliding doors are tempered and oh the higher end homes so are all the windows along with an internal exposed low e coat unlike you guys over there.
EVERY single pane of tempered glass I have come across in the past 10 years has had FD on it, so realistically I CANNOT scrape the glass without scratching it, and I kjow for a fact from a friend that waivers will not always hold up.
I will not personally use a blade on tempered glass because I know it will scratch and I refuse to cause damage while cleaning the glass.

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Gotchya … leave the blade home. I would be the same way if I were in your area

cactus27…Yes there are huge differences. I’m a window washer not a window detailer. Would charge a lot more for detailing.
When my son-in-law works with me I have to remind him not to fuss over the details. Of course it’s all subjective because what I call “details” may be very different than others here on the forum as they are for my son-n-law. We do good work we just don’t get every piece of dirt out the tracks (bugs, yes) or every minute speck off the glass. Some might call that shoddy work. Oh, well.

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nothin wrong with that.

I catch myself being obsessed with detail much like you. I’m a perfectionist and that works against me because I don’t price it that way. I tend to want the “WOW” factor from the customer. In reality just doing a good job cleaning frames, glass and sills will make them just as happy. Thats just my opinion though and I’m new at this.