Who has done ReMarketing for their website? How do you set it up and what are some tips for doing it successfully?
Great question Kyle.
The company that manages my ad words does this with Google ad words. They state that their clients get good results. You have to have a separate budget for it but they said the cost is much cheaper. I might give it a try, I have no idea if it would be effective or not. I only know about the people that call in and are looking immediately, but I know a lot of people click and never call…
Ooh ooh ooh…
This is my wheel house right here…
Remarketing will increase conversions in a major way. There are several forms of remarketing and have different forms of setup.
Different platforms have different nuances.
PPC + RETARGETING = up to 150% conversion increase from PPC alone.
It’s like a 1 - 2 punch combo that knocks them out everytime. Also… From a branding perspective. Display Ad retargeting is like having your face on a city bus… Everywhere they go for 2 weeks they see your ad. Making you look like a complete rockstar.
What platform are you using? @Kyle
giving this a bump because i am considering for this season.