Appt Reminders pain in my a**

Someone calls the work line, they get a real person on the telephone that reads from the script I’ve given them, they collect work inquiry notes, all contact info (name, address, email) and then I get a notification via text/e-mail that someone called and I send a text message with a pre-written message letting them know we will be in touch with a quote.

Then I pay the bill each month and every month they help me not answer calls and get prospect data. In turn making me more money so I’m not on the telephone so much.

So where you able to resolve the issue?

If I understand correctly, when automated text reminders go through with CF on your main business number and a customer replies with a question, you can’t reply back? So you have to text or call them from your cell to respond?

Also what are some of the reasons you prefer CF over Jobber?