I have a question about autograph’s. I have done famous people in the past and have a few that I do regularly. I have never asked one for an autograph. I recently picked up a football hall of famer and was thinking of asking for an autograph. Has anyone done this? Or what would be the proper etiquette on something like this? Thanks.
If they pay with a check there’s your autograph. Now replicate that 1000 times on football cards and whamo a side business is created. Lol
Hmmm…it just doesn’t seem too professional to me. I would be willing to bet that they appreciate the fact that you just do the job they are paying you for and that you don’t become…starstruck.
I would not ask for an autograph. A former customer of mine was a well known major league baseball player years ago. I asked him if maybe my stepson could meet him one day. My stepson loves baseball. He said “No, if I do it for you then I have to do it for everyone.” I was so shocked. I thought he was joking. I didn’t want his autograph either.
I no longer clean his windows. Oh well.
No way dude.
I just happened to have this football in my truck… While your at could you sign this ball?
Can you sign the invoice?
Carbon copy
I agree and that is why I have never asked in the past. I have always respected there privacy and never brought it up. This recent one was a little more exciting for me and I had a thought of asking. I will leave it alone, but just wanted to know what others have done. Thanks.
Just offer to give him your autograph first so it’s fair.
I do two former bronco players home. I just shoot the breeze with them like anyone else. One of them has a popular morning radio show here in Denver. When I mentioned something about it; I could visibly see him get a little uncomfortable. They don’t always like celebrity status. Treat them like normal and they’ll have you coming back for more work.
before i met willie erken [of wagtail] in 2016 id gotten it in my mind to ask him to sign something appropriate -but once we got talking i then thought it was a cheesy idea . i will always remember his insider gossip he shared with me though- and his sidekick told me what it was like to work for him ,made me smile!
No autographs. I actually try to play down my acknowledgement of who the person is.
Famous people don’t want fanboys in their homes.
I do quite a few of the chicago bulls homes, many live in the same subdivision. The best is when they tell me who they are, always wanting the attention, and im like, " oh im not a fan, but thats cool for you"
I wonder who’s cleanin Taylor Swifts windows? Lol. I bet she’d slam out a few autographs
They get hit up a lot, and it is a lot of pressure on them. Having people around that don’t ask them for something and are being treated like a normal person allows them to be relaxed and no pressure…Best thing is building the relationship with them and if the offer, then of course accept.
So I’m guessing that asking for a mouth swab is out of the question?