Kinda similar to the gardiner version,anyone tried one out.
i have 3
how many windows can you clean before you have to refill it?
it runs about 8 minutes, that’s 8 minutes of running the water so
you have to learn to manage your water.
i use a diy on/off on my pole.
at first i didn’t get too many panes per tank, i do like a lot of water.
now that i have the diy tap set up better and a much better brush/rinse set up i can do a $90-110 outs job with about 10-12 gallons.
i have done 45 commercial panes approx 4x4’ with 15 gallons but that was with my truck sprayer which pumps faster, also before i had the remote control, pole on /ff, brush/rinse setup etc i would use less now.
i use 5 gallon soap barrels i get free from a car wash to bring purified water.
I think I will give it a try…
Thought about it. Might be convenient on a small house with lots of/delicate landscaping.
I think the Gardiner one is 5-ish gallons. Can’t imagine that going very far.
So you can hook up a wfpole to this type of system? Seems like a great way to get into it for cheap. If I am understanding the use of this tool.
i have my tube fitting right on the pump hose, and about 50 feet of tube so i can up 2 storeys and have enough hose to do several windows without moving the sprayer. there are many situations it comes in very handy. i have some customers that are on well water with high tds and low pressure so sometimes i just bring water. other times i use it as a buffer tank, with low pressure the water will go through my filters but there is not enough to push it up the brush so…tap to filter… filter to hudson… hudson to brush.
i have one wired with a remote and i attached a wire and plug so i can use it to power my truck tank.
i just picked up 2 new 25 gallon sprayers too! took out my 15 gallon one.
Thank You bro for the explanation. I’ll have to look into this for sure. Sounds like a great way to go before investing in a bigger system. I can think of a few windows that it would make life that much easier.
you still need the water but you can use a small system like the guys in jolly old england. i think @BostonMike was talking about this the other day and wagga has lots of videos on it.
here’s one:
5 gallon? Or 55 gallon?
I love those. Get one and then go pick up 2 - 6 gallon jugs from walmart. With 16 gallons and good water rationing, I did a pretty large house.
Just don’t let the pump run dry, they burn out really quick. Hudson will warranty it (they’re a great company), but I also found one on ebay for like 7 bucks.
5 gallon, car washes use these like crazy and many just throw them out. i have about 12 i think.
i did a large 2 story a few weeks back 40 ish panes of glass14 ish gallons. pole under my arm sprayer in one hand barrel in the other hose hanging on sprayer. put the barrel down part way continue with sprayer, put sprayer down continue to furthest point. work back toward sprayer then toward barrel, refill sprayer continue.
the sprayer is 4 gallon with the battery ways about the same as 5 gallons so sprayer and barrel are a nice balance
I did a whole video series on this backpack as a cheap wfp setup.
I think I did about 6 or 7 episodes.
Thank you I haven’t seen those.
We’ve learned so much from you over the years. Thanks, Mark!
Never tried a backpack. Not really into using on back.
Pump in a box I made has been great, fill container with purified water, pump and go from anywhere.
I guess just building a pump box and container maybe even less expensive.
I probably would not use it as a backpack anyways.