What’s my best option when the windows are so damn hot that the fluid almost dries up before I can even get on it?
Edit: 1st edit. Yeah, editor badge!
What’s my best option when the windows are so damn hot that the fluid almost dries up before I can even get on it?
Edit: 1st edit. Yeah, editor badge!
Water fed pole works nice. Also, add some glass gleam 4 to your mix. That’s what I’d do on the super hot windows. About 3/4 oz per 3 gallons (ish). It helps.
First things first: Are you Brad Hanks?
Secondly, you can use a wetting agent like Glisten and add it to your soapy bucket, or a detergent like Glass Gleam 4 that includes it as part of the mix. That can help slow the evaporation process.
If the chemical doesn’t give you enough time, then you’ll have to try two-handed fanning. Leading with your washer and following right behind with the squeegee
It was pulled from my Twitter name which I got because it’s the only very that I could find that wasn’t taken and had my name in it… Thanks for the advice!
I “invented” a technique i call the waterfall method that has worked nicely for me. After soaping up the window, i use a squirt bottle to drench the window from the top. Wipe the top so it doesn’t drip and then squeegee as normal. Beautiful results.
It’s really for residential, but maybe you can apply it in the situation you’re working on.
I’ll clean less panes at a time and/or the top half first. Also just working fast helps.
That’s actually quite brilliant
Have a sopping wet scrubber and squeegee fast. End up with extra detailing, but you found yourself cleaning scorching hot windows so you need to leave yourself time to switch from scrubber to squeegee.
Hydrate-hydrate-hydrate sometimes means more than just YOU drinking.
Two handed cleaning. Keep your scrubber in front of your squeegee. If its really bad you can spray the glass down with a hose to cool it down.
Squeege faster son
There you go. Great video, Luke.
Back flip if you have to pole High Ones with no wfp. Two handed works but takes PRACTICE. I do like Garry says. Super dripping wet mop on one pole, wagtail on another and an 18" sorbo channel in the boab for the bottoms where the angle gets too much.
If your using a pole and it’s really bad it helps to wet the window a few times before you squeegee it down and it will help to cool the glass down which will keep it from drying as fast. So use your bucket and dunk your washer and saturate the glass, dunk it again and saturate, dunk again and saturate and squeegee. It can also help to use to poles. One with a squeegee and the other it a washer so you can quickly change from washer to squeegee without having to change tools.
If its going level and reachable then as has been stated you just scub the glass to break up the dirt and then fan the glass with the washer in one hand and use the other hand to follow along behind the washer with your squeegee.
You could even squirt in front of the squeegee while you fan the glass.
I “invented” this for myself too. Sometimes I wonder how I ever cleaned a hot skylight in the past.