Best Replacement Rubber

Need to order some more rubber for my S channel squeegees. What would you guys recommend. Live in KY so winters arent usually too bad.

For my Slayer channels I use Soren rubber in the cool temps and when it gets hot I use LFI both of which I can get here at WCR.

Trying to force me into a new squeegee eh?! :slight_smile:

Ettore rubber is the best of the best in my opinion. But keep in mind you will pay for the best. Unger [URL=“”]rubber is also good.

Use what you like. I love me some Slayer channels. I also enjoyed using the Ettore Super System channels and have them around in case I run out of t rubber since they use standard rubber.
I am very loyal about my buying habits as you may have seen.:wink:

Just like Mister Squeegee I use Soren (made by Ettore) in my Slayer channel but in my Unger “S” Channel I use regular Ettore Master Rubber. Ettore is absolutely the best squeegee rubber.

I use the Soren & Ettore rubber year round and have never had a problem with it in Summer heat. I’m farther South than you (South Carolina) so you should have no problem with Ettore rubber in Summertime either.

I thought you were talking about a different S channel. :smiley:
I would go w/ Ettore rubber in all my channels in moderate temps. I switch to a hard rubber in the extreme heat. For the Unger S channel I go w/ Wagtail rubber for very hot temps. Otherwise you can’t beat Ettore.:wink:

QUICKIE rubber , has a twin blade edge,good stuff

I too use

50’ Squeegee :eek:
I thought 8’ was the biggest :confused:


Ettore is number one in my book! :cool:
Unger wears out to fast.