Could you all tell me what window manufacturer is the best? The best mechanics and the best glass. Also the least seal failures. All of it! I have a customer that is building a new house. Thanx for your help. I really need it.
I vote Not Jeldwen. Honestly I love my windows in my house and they are just Window World windows.
I think if I were build and had the duckets, I’d probably go with pellas.
Pellas seam to be way too complicated. Their designs demand that any replacements must be the entire window. I just never liked their we are the best attitude.
I would say Jeldwen over Milgaard. Im pretty familiar with both of them. One is manufactured in my city and the other just a few hours away. I absolutely hate pretty much any single hung vinyl window but today we did some Jeldwin windows and no issues. I’ll get some houses where the spring bars shoot up on every window. Maybe it’s not the manufacturing, though? Maybe it’s the installation and the way the house settles over time. Probably lots of factors besides the brand. I did Plygems yesterday and those were alllll garbage. The handles fell off a few of them and a lot of the spring bars were detaches.
I like Andersen.
I will say that I’ve never had a BAD experience with Andersen. Seems like every other manufacturer has given me a headache at one point or another. Pella gets my vote for best glass but they have some tedious designs.
I should be on Andersen’s payroll.
Its the only replacement window we reccommend
Off the cuff, Andersen.
These are pretty easy to clean.
Are those vinyl frames, or vinyl panes?
What do you guys think of Marvin? My customer says he had bad experience with Andersons. The mechanisms and such. I have a friend that experienced an Anderson imploding from the negative deflection problem from argon gas. He said it sounded like a gun going off. I did the research and did a post on my blog about ND and argon gas.
What about the scratched glass issue?
Thanx so very much for all of your input.
I like the quality of Marvin.
What about the glass surface? Have you discovered that Marvin glass tends to be more rough than other glass?
Also there has been a LOT of negative stuff said about castle. Is this a window manufacturer or a float glass line?
How many float lines/manufacturers are there around the world and exactly where are they? Check out this link
Here is a list of 100 window manufacturers with liks and addresses. Top 100 Manufacturers 2019 Report | Window + Door
Definitely more friction on the pull. Yes, they are more difficult to clean.
With the research that Penn State is doing we have learned that rough glass is way more prone to scratching. This is a very large problem. But people who are building new homes are also very interested in the quality of the mechanics of the windows. Which includes how quick the IG units loose their seals. And as the links I have posted show we have a lot of products to sift through since their are hundreds of float lines and hundreds of window manufacturers out there.
…Is ‘rough glass’ different than glass with fabricating debris?