Has anyone tried marketing through local or highway billboard?
Nope. Fliers or b2b.
Why? Super expensive. I could think of other things than spending $5-10,000 per month advertising. The digital billboards are cheaper, but sort of stupid - they go through the slides too fast or too slow for someone traveling 25mph or 85mph.
Search feature
The legend Larry lazcko go did back In the day
I have been tempted to do it… there are some billboards in the area around our main subdivisions… I don’t know the pricing but I would love to put before and after house washing pictures on them…
I think in the right situation, and the right location, it could be a gold mine for a company able to handle that sort of marketing expenditure and work load.
On your drive to and from work do you think about what needs to be done around your home, I found out the hard way where not to advertise, thousands of dollars down the drain on things that sounded good for exposure but the ROI was brutally low.
From what seems to work best for me is targeting customers in their home where they genuinely consider, rather than just “oh I’ve seen those billboards” but never think about it in a to purchase sense of a way.
I strongly considered doing it this year. For $2000 i coulda had a month at the perfect location, basically a mini-highway that leads to 70% of my market that basically everyone travelling to or from there has to take. It’s digital, so very easy to see and attention-grabbing.
My plan was to make the ad very minimalist, using it mainly for the purpose of brand familiarity in conjunction with my EDDM postcards (and maybe a simultaneous Facebook campaign). That said, it wasn’t realistic for this year’s budget, but I definitely will consider it as my marketing budget expands. Basically i want people, when they think window cleaning, to immediately think Wyoming Valley Window Washing. I believe a billboard ad would contribute to that happening.
I did digital billboards for a little over a year, maybe 2-3 years ago. I got 10 seconds every 5 minutes for something like $300/month. I’d say all told we didn’t quite break even, but at the same time I would say it had a ripple effect of sorts as many people would mention seeing my ads and saying “I didn’t know you clean roofs” or something similar. What was really nice is that for a small one-time fee I could change the presentation completely to match the season (roof cleaning, gutter cleaning, snow off roofs etc) I would have probably kept it going as long as I could handle the amount of work, but my wife convinced me to terminate it.
So my assessment is that I think it can be feasible, but may take some tweaking and time to reap good benefits.
I think at this point Facebook is the new billboard. 70% of the world is there and the better part of the facebook crowd is women think 30-40? is the age group. you can target areas and for $50.00 a month tops, you can have one of the best marketing campaigns going.
Any tips on how to use Facebook successfully, Tom?
If you go to pro church tools podcast the principles there are what I use. It’s not churchie at all if your wondering. Chest substitute Window Cleaning for church and you’ll be ok.
Churches are marketing to folks, window cleaners are doing the same thing. The customer becomes the evangelist for you.
I will send some more info to you.
Mind blown.
Would that make me like the Pope of window cleaning? “Come, my child. Confess to me how many years since your last window cleaning.”
Lol in all seriousness, thanks for the info, Tom. I’d love to hear more.
No Bishop!! hahahahahahaha
IM a pastor also thats were I found this podcast thier social media insight is awesome
You would probably get a better ROI if you had a banner put up at the local Little League field where parents would see your business supporting their children. Everytime little Johnny catches a ball in the outfield, they see your banner on the fence.
Other areas of worthy exposure where parents are involved with their kids:
Boy Scouts; donate to the jamboree.
Girl Scouts; sponsor a cookie sale.
Kids Soccer; same as the baseball field.
Equestrian competition (Affluent parents?); sponsor in the competition.
Tennis Camp (Affluent parents?); same as the baseball field.
This is an approach I am looking into as well. Yes, it takes an investment to get a professional banner made, then to pay to have it put in plain view.
Thing is to look-be-act-professional and get noticed.
Sweet ideas, Garry!
Gave the adopt-a-road thing a try. Only a couple calls so far, but it’s sort of fun in a weird way. Lots of potential exposure.
I might try to adopt a highway. They give you a bigger sign for that.
I love the “for a good time” sticker at the bottom.