Black Diamond - it's pretty awesome

Black Diamond rubber is a super popular choice among window cleaners! They are made with high-pressure molding, which produces excellent quality. Plus, they are one of the more affordable options. It’s gotten phenomenal feedback from real window cleaners!

It’s available in both soft and hard rubber in the Round-Top design. Even better yet, it’s made to fit any standard handle. The Flat-Top Rubber is a soft rubber that fits Sorbo Channels only. You can purchase it in various sizes from 12-inch to 36-inch.

Check out your options:

Round Top Soft Rubber

Fits ALL Squeegees
Best for cold weather

12 Pack
Gross - 144 pieces

Round Top Hard Rubber

Fits ALL squeegees
Best for warm weather

12 Pack
Gross - 144 pieces

Flat Top Soft Rubber

Fits Sorbo Style Squeegees

12 Pack
Gross - 144 Pieces

Check out the Robinson-Solutions Review of Black Diamond rubber!

We also carry a full selection of replacement rubber from your favorite brands:

Ettore Soren
Black Diamond

Have questions? We can help! Give us a call at (862) 266-0677!

I see black diamond has a “Ruby Red - Medium” rubber out; is there any difference to this from the regular black version other than the color?

Black diamond rubber (in black) is probably the best rubber for the price. Doesn’t last as long as the ettore rubber, but it comes damn close. Price is on point.

That’s all we use now too; mediums all spring/summer, softs in the fall. Really hard to beat it and the price is just ridiculous.:ok_hand:t2: