Business Cards w/Estimate Form on the Back

Contact your state (or county) government.

For example, in California it’s the California State Board of Equalization; in Utah, it’s the Utah State Tax Commission; in Tennessee and Colorado it’s the Department of Revenue; in Texas it’s the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts; …

GREAT logo. Simple, yet the image says what you do. Love the ‘contrast’ between the two green colors. Creative genius. (Don’t let this post go to your head) <grin>

Here is my business card. Thank You Kevin, for the Picture on the front. I use a simpler form on the back, this usually gets me in the door, and opens the discussion. I have had several compliments on the card.

Also, at the risk of hijacking, all the discussions of Crazy’s flier and his 20% return. I got curious about my return from business door to door. So I went through one of my towns, I did not count referrals from other customers, only the responses I got from going door to door, and giving out cards and quotes. I figured I got about 9% -10 % response. Now this is only one town (Population of this town is 17,000) I haven’t done this for any other places, yet.
Now my question is What is your typical response doing door to door commercial.It is a nice looking card, but could that response come about just because of the card. Not the great salesmanship, because I’m not a great salesman. Is your commercial response rate higher than your residential? Is it just convenience, I’m standing there, the windows are dirty, solution solved, then offer regular schedule… complete solution!

One final thing, if you don’t believe my response rate then just pass by, My intention is not to revive another discussion about peoples honesty or integrity on here. I just thought that some thought that Crazy’s 20% response rate was unbelievable, but I got close to 10% with something that wasn’t nearly as good, but this town was like he described, nobody has ever gone door to door here, even to the businesses.

you will not be getting any flack from me…

I think that those of you who actually go up to a house and maybe speak with someone would have far superior results with fliers.

I don’t, but I am lazy :slight_smile:

One thing to keep in mind, sometimes a 1% response can be profitable depending on what kind of time and costs/profits are involved.

hey BC - thats great, man!

I think that may be the first time I’ve seen it used in print before.

Cards that are striking and unique automatically garner more attention in a world bored stiff with generic everything.

I think that definitely is part of the reason you’ve had the good response.

Hello there,
1st. Cards for Contrast =
I realy like the layout on the back, the one thing I might change is the two bottom
______ Glass to just _______ ________ that way it could be for an

add on service so you can write it then. eg.
[U]Hall Chandeliers[/U] [U]2xyear[/U]

Looks great though and I love the addition of the GST, so many times is the OH, I thought the GST was included, ya right bud…

= I tried to look up your website to see if the colours matched you site and font etc, but it can not find it?

2nd BC
front cards - Fricken Awesome… thumbs up/squeegees up?? looks great.

back side - move the printing area up, so that you can put the quote up and then add text in underneath. It will look neater that way!

I would then move the quote from the bible down to the bottom. I am not a fan of quotes above, but like them below, because that is the lasting words that are read. Understand? your parting words, thoughts, beliefs.

Now that being said, I would not put in the quote because of two reasons
(no ethical debates on religion, just my thoughts on the card etc. no debates are needed here!!!)
a. Religion is great, but not everybody in my area is the same religion, so some might get offended.
b. Business advertising and religious quotes do not go hand in hand. HERE…
In the bible belt of the USA and CANADA, it is common, but not in the GTA.
… so my thoughts there, on the line/quote on the business card only … NO DEBATES AND NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE>>>

edit… ps… edit… I like the quote especially because you are washing the windows with your hands, and heart!

GST - when you sell a service (Canada, New Zealand, Australia, etc.)
PST - when you sell a product (in Canada, Provincial Sales Tax)

You mean like this. Hmm, interesting.
As far as the Bible quote, goes I’m not offended that you asked, as a matter of fact sometimes I forget it’s there because I have put it on all my stuff from the very beginning. I believe that it does communicate my desire in business, and how I want treat my customers. But I also am in an area that is heavily religious, and I get comments from time to time. Plus I don’t think that verse is not one that would normally cause any negative reaction, but I could be wrong.

Though I am NOT of the Christian persuasion, I just wanted to say that, like having “BBB” or “IWCA” on your cards, that you are attaching the reputation of that WHOLE community to yours. Please be mindful of the quality and excellence you serve your customers with. It reflects on the One who may have helped you get the job, and gives those who are not Christian another opportunity to judge Him through you.

Isa 54:12 And I will make thy windows of agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders of pleasant stones.

p.s. Anyone ever clean agate windows?

a little off topic here, but…

Agate Windows

Kinda cool, much more interesting to look at than regular windows

Perhaps a modern english translation would help with the meaning.

(Isaiah 54:12) And I will make your battlements of rubies, and your gates of fiery glowing stones, and all your boundaries of delightsome stones.