How great of a difference is it? I’m really interested in the 40 ft xero pro (carbon) and the 40ft xero ultimate (hi mod). The ultimate is 2x the price, from $800 to $1600. Is the hi mod worth such an increase in price?
If you are using the pole everyday yes. Have you watched Luke the window cleaners video on it. He has a Northern Lite pole then he got a Xero Ultimate and he was blown away in the difference.
Carbon fiber is a interesting material. Did you know Boeing build a plane out of it. Many wind mill blades are made out of it. I have a retired neighbor who worked on the Boeing project. The carbon fiber used in WFP is at the bottom of the scale compared to what they use. But of that lower scale the ultimate is the highest level
Thanks @John
You may also want to check out this comparison video where @Alex gives you a comparison between the 2 models. XERO Water Fed Poles - Micro, Pro, and Destroyer Series –
Most commonly used to measure “How Stiff” a tube or plate is
Units used are typically in msi (million pounds per square inch)
Considering a tube/plate with exactly the same “layup / fiber orientation”, the higher the modulus, the lower the deflection or bend
Units used are typically shared in ksi (thousand pounds per square inch)
The maximum stress that a material can withstand while being stretched or pulled before failing or breaking
Standard Modulus | 34 msi, 700 ksi | Good structural properties - Stiffer than aluminum
Intermediate Modulus | 42 msi, 825 ksi | Great structural properties - Highest strength option - Great balance of stiffness and strength
High Modulus | 57 msi, 670 ksi | Very stiff - Good thermal conductivity / stability - Typically used in all 0° & 90° (or off-axis) plies throughout the ply sequence / laminate orientation.
We have been using the high mod for around 3 weeks now. Extremely light weight and very rigid. I would highly suggest the upgrade.
Springing for the more expensive higher modulus pole is %100 worth it.
Over the years we’ve progressed in our wfp work starting with aluminum for a year. Then for 3 years “regular” carbon (Nlite). Next 3 years to hi modulus (Nlite). Now in our 3rd year using the stiffest and lightest poles available.
Each progression overlaped with the next tier so we really observed and benefited from the increase in quality. The higher the better. Better for your 1. health and safety, 2. efficiency, 3. professionalism to stand out from the competition.
Weight difference between the 2
XERO Pro - 40 Ft - 6.5 lbs
XERO Ultimate - 40 Ft - 4 lbs
Here is a basic stiffness example for you. Although the difference in the photo doesnt look huge it feels quite different in your hand.
Also - mega nerd speaking here - if you hold a 40’ pole at the recommended 60 degree angle, you have an effective lever arm of 20’. Very roughly and not including the brush, that means the 6.5lb brush requires a force of 130 ft-lbs to hold, whereas the ultimate requires 80 ft-lbs. That’s quite a difference!
Mind you, it’s been 15 yrs since my last Physics class so i could be off on those numbers. But you get the idea! (Please feel free to - fellow nerds - to correct me if I’m wrong. Lookin’ at you @Samuel and @JaredAI )
Don’t you lump me into that group lol
If it’s worth it or not to double the price on a pole really depends on heights used and how often you use it.
If it’s only 1.5 lbs difference the stiffness will be most noticable.
If I was the only one using the pole under 40 feet I might just go with the cheaper one as a starter. Use that experience to gauge your future purchases.
I got the Xero pro 40’ and use it a couple days a week for a couple hours each day. My time is split between route work and residential. Of the residential work I do, I’d say something like 90% of the time I’m using 25 feet of extension or less.
So far, I’ve only used the 40’ at full extension one time. It wasn’t totally unmanageable but extra stiffness would have been nice.
Even at this point I can’t justify the extra thousand dollars for a hi mod when the pro does everything I need. That money is better utilized in other ways. But if I were using it more than 2 or 3 days a week for more than 3 or 4 hours a day above 20 feet I would definitely pony up the cash for a hi mod.
Very helpful Luke! Just put a little more words.
Ultra High Modulus | 94 msi, 414 ksi | Used primarily as 0° plies in combination with lower modulus / higher strength fibers in the 90° orientation to create a well-balanced and functional composite structure.
There is also one type of special “Carbon Fiber” called Graphite Fiber. It used to be widely utilized in aerospace projects and gets more cost friendly to industry now. The entry level of Graphite Fiber is about 94 msi which is as same as UHM carbon fiber. It can go to 130 msi which is almost impossible for carbon fiber to reach.
Where do the kevlar blend poles for rank?
At the top?