CFP Evolves!

Get ready for a shocker… I just finally got Photoshop (CS3)

I don’t know how to work the damned thing but now I see why Paneless pushed it so much.

I actually look forward to using this powerful device. After seeing what we did with Chris’s new mailer I had to get it.

It aint no Word I can tell you that :smiley:

About time!

Youll love it.

One of these days I’m gonna have to get with this new-fangled 20th century technology.
Oh wait, what year is it?

discover the F1 key

open up Photoshop, now press the F1 key and a help and tutorial screen pops up!
Now start at the beginning and work your way to the end

About flipping time Paul!

Here’s a website I go to for some stuff I might need help with

Tutorials can push you away from learning the things you really want to do. So this breaks thins down in sections so you learn what you want when you want.

Hope this helps others out there too. Photoshop is a pandoras box, you’ll get sucked in :stuck_out_tongue:

Fantastic, Paul.

Looking forward to seeing what you can come up with now that you have a new set of teeth…

You think Photoshop CS3 is good? Try CS4!!

Here’s the kicker, you can make your own commercials with one of Adobe’s programs called Premiere Pro. You can download a 30 trial version of it from Adobe’s website and its fully functional. All you have to do is shoot the video from a preferrably high quality camera not like I did…and even if you never used the program before you can finish it in about 3 or 4 days… Elite Window Washing pressure washing video2 - YouTube I made that one… Elite Window Washing (San Diego) (619)634-9580 - YouTube and that one. Not the greatest but it works. If I had a high quality video camera it would be pretty good. Plus, with Adobe Illustrator you can make cool animations, 3d animations…

Follow this link for Youtube TUTORIALS ON PHOTOSHOP

yeah, the difference between CS3 and CS4 is too small to notice really. I generally wait until every other installment because Adobe is contracted to make new software ever, so they really only make great strides every other year or so…
Save your money and do CS3.

And by the way, you can make those videos in Windows movie maker or Imovie…I’m not in the least impressed with that Premiere Pro.


Alex and I just upgraded to ilife 09… The new stuff you can do with imovie is amazing… Alex has been an editing machine working on a new video we will release soon.

Mac comes out with some of the most user friendly and high output stuff. I have ilife08 and been meaning to upgrade. Editing and making movie in Imovie is so fun. If you wanted you could do a mid-high production for a commercial, I think Imovie has an HD function.

After you make the movie you just open Idvd and import your movie and make a complete dvd with menu’s. So if you wanted to make some High end promo to mail out in DVD quality, there ya go!

I’ve made promos for missions groups, dance teams and specials events ALL in Imovie