Charge is too expensive

He also said “I am tired of people trying to take advantage because it is a big expensive house”. I said “Who’s taking advantage? You have big windows, 2 story home, Pella screens, it is a chore to get done”. That was when he threw the “won’t pay more than I pay the housekeeper”, who by the way, won’t do windows. Meanwhile I booked a $1,018 and a $1,500 just a few miles from him. Life is good.


We submitted a similar quote on a labor intensive home. The owners decided to pass on the deal as the price was higher than they wanted. However, they are in their 70s and have to use scaffolding to reach all the windows. I hope they stay safe, but labor intensive work require intensive compensation. You can’t get a fancy car for the price of a Kia from the dealer…

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That would have been so funny!

No one can tell you the value of your service and business. You know what it takes to get the job done. This client is using the Jedi-Mind-Trick on you do not aqueous to what he or she wants. They get all the benefits you get to do all the work. There are so many buildings and homes in any city you have more than enough work out there to do that will last you 2, 3, 4, lifetimes. You what you do charge your price with confidence. You will build a better portfolio of good paying customers. Keep this in mind every job is not your job. Learn the art of saying no! I’ll pass, and this job and client is not for me. You’ll be glad you did.
Ron The Window Cleaner!


That’s hilarious that you took pics of their work while they’re right there. “Don’t mind me. Just admiring your work”. :joy:


I have told people before that I am not the window cleaner for them and that I will not chase someone else to the bottom of the pay scale.


Had a guy yesterday, beautiful lafe front property; pull in and he’s got a young guy there working on a fenced gate. I walk the property, give him the price. He dead pan looks at me, and says “How about instead I’ll pay you for “time and materials” for 4 hours?”
I smiled at him, said: “I mean this with the utmost respect, but I feel it’s unlikely your estimate of what my time is worth and my opinion of what my time is worth are close enough to make this a good fit. I have your email address, I’ll forward my competitors contact information. But thank you for the beautiful walk around the property, beautiful weather and a beautiful home home you have.”

He was aghast, mumbled “thanks for stopping” and walk back inside.

A. I don’t haggle
B. I set our pricing structures
C. I own a business so I don’t have to be dictated to or pushed around.



Man, I gotta remember this line. That’s awesome.


I’m convinced these type of people think they are doing us a favor by offering their dirty windows to clean.
I have a quarterly I acquired summer of last year and he thinks I should do his gutters for free in order to get the window cleaning job; we shall see next month if he has me back. Sorry, pal, we’re burning daylight and I have paying customers to take care of.


I had one lady tell me once , when I quoted 140 I think, 75 and told me some work is better than nothing. :rofl: I told her no thanks, that my price is my price. She was nuts, so dodged a bullet on that one. She looked confused as to why I didn’t want the job. She also called me a few more times. I blocked her.

