Check out this craigslist ad

[SIZE=“6”]We should all be this professional…PAUL, why haven’t you used this?[/SIZE];):D:p

FamilyFriendly CARPET COUCH WINDOWS TILE CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN (MoonLighters - WE don’t overcharge ▐▐)

Reply to:see below
Date: 2009-05-30, 9:57AM PDT

▐▐►Carpet Cleaning ? DON’t GET $CREWED big TIME !!!

Date: 2009-03-09, 9:52PM PDT

Don’t waste any time - money - good vibes…
Call these guys…
NOT those ‘’$crew ya big time’’ outfits !! -
Only the best work, UNBEATABLE PRICE, Tell your neighbors! sshhhh…

Carpet Couch Window Tile
HOT Citrus SteamCleaning
get 'er DONE - GREEN !!

call 858.752.2550 CELL
PAY what the job’s WORTH !

GREEN Citrus Steam
Carpet Couch Window Cleaning
WE service ALL San Diego County
Temecula to South Bay
Ocean Beach to Alpine

Who do you think wrote that ad?

That is a KILLER ad and I am taking full credit for it…


Ha scandalous

I found this crazy crap on craigslist, theres another clown on there too, this guy cant even write in english…when I find his ad I will put it on, its even better than this one…
Paul, you evil genious…I hope you sold him your book, the evil copy.

See what we have to deal with here in San Diego???
The good news is you can still charge $10 per double hung, and land a 80% of your bid requests. we still get tips quite often too.

not everyone wants cheap.

Nobody wants cheap, they want a bargain. Build value and it seems like a bargain. Drop price and it seems cheap.

I think every city on craigslist has loads of these ads. I think we should realize they may not be getting any calls.

There is a reason most of these “companies” never advertise any other way. They are broke.

I’m saving that quote.