Client flipping out over time of visit?

I say client, in reality they’re the manager for a tenant business, I was hired by the property owner for the strip. Evidently, they opted to not inform their tenants. Popped by for the first clean at about 6:40PM. Went in, introduced myself to the worker, asked to use the restroom before I started and got to work.

5 minutes into the job, a manager pulls up and flips out, cursing at me, calling me unprofessional, saying I look like I’m “casing the place”, and telling me he doesnt want me in front of “his” store after hours or near closing. I was polite and deescalated, but home boy was honestly about 3 inches away from touching my chest and getting removed from my bubble.

I almost exclusively clean after hours and on days my accounts are closed, most of them actually prefer it, the rest are neutral. Never had a reaction like this. Heck, sometimes I clean until 1 in the morning! Never had an issue, because I am very clearly a dude out cleaning windows.

Anybody have any thoughts on this? Have I just been very lucky since I started this business early this year, or was the guy just a jerk?

Actually, I’d be inclined to drop them just for that. I work for myself so that I don’t have to put up with anything like this. I would have walked right there.

Unless there was grave error on your part, you deserve better, bro.

If he is already treating you this way, I’d imagine you’ll have trouble getting paid in a timely manner. Property managers are (usually) difficult people to work with.

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Both. The situation could have been avoided if you had explained to them how you work (ie: after hours).
I do only residential and I always explain to new customers our cleaning process ( one person inside one outside, etc) and ask them if they have a preference as to where in the house we begin.

Matthew, I did mention that I could be by essentially any time to the property management company, I just assumed that they would be in contact with their tenants to inform them I would be servicing the location.

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MJ, this just is just the manager of a tenant business (thought he was the owner at first from how he kept throwing around “my shop”, lol. I’ve been in contact with the management company, reiterated that I don’t guarantee a time of service, and told them that if they don’t have a talk with the guy then I won’t be able to gueantee that unit every visit. If he had been the client, I would absolutely dropped him on the spot.

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When you say tenant building and Strip. What actually is it ?? A strip mall with stores ?? And were you doing exterior only ?

If this is a strip mall they should have mentioned to you that they wanted it done a certain time, other than that it’s done when you want .
You did nothing wrong , other then asking to use there bathroom without knowing them yet. That’s not a horrible thing, but people are strange, and they probably got offended because of it.
The idiot that came up on you like a cowboy should have got put in his place. He didn’t have a leg to stand on. He was trying to be important. Total tool you had every right to tell him so.
Depending how bad you wanted the job of course , becuase once you go on the offensive you stand to lose it, but to me no job is worth that type of abuse. A strip mall job that I’m assuming is under 250.00 a wash isnt worth that type of tongue lashing maybe if it’s over 500 a wash and going monthly then I’d maybe swallow my pride.

what type of business in a retail center? are you water poling? depending on type of business and foot traffic, water poling can be an issue, even for businesses that are just open

If they have a preferred time they will have to pay extra. I work after hours a lot too.

I would atleast let the property management know you had the run in with the beta male store manager.

What a clown…

Anybody cursing at me or any staff gets cut off at the knees.

Elvis has left the building