ive been working residential for several years now bas as of recent, ive been given the opportunity to quote some larger commercial projects. Today I was contacted by a local college to clean the windows of the rez building
some specs:
over 525 suites (rooms)
roughly 2400 panes
average 4 floors
some sections of the building are 5
have access for lift or boom for 90% of job
do not own but can rent WFPS
do not have any high rise guys.
Exterior only
i havent a clue where to begin guys
i will admit this is the largest project our company will have taken on and we may be in over our heads - but thats how you grow, thats how you gain ground - we are ambitious and hopeful.
Have you used a wfp before? There is a learning curve. It also looks like the windows might be insert a little bit? Might need a goose neck but results might not be good.
How about a lift? They’re nice but not really time savers. Does your insurance cover over three stories?
Just spit balling glass alone 600 + 1200 + 1800 + 2400 comes out to 6000. That’s if wfp is easy access.
For a lift you’ll need to factor in lift time so maybe add another 800-1000 for that. Lift rental too unless they have one?
Job was sold for 7500 on the condition that this is a 5 year contract while price is subject to change due to inflation and wage increases (min wag is set to be 15 here in ontario by 2019)