Compliance depot scam

By the way.Let’s say you want to do business that fits into two or more different compliance depot’s categories. Guess what? Yes, you’re absolutely right. You’ll have to submit application for each category and pay $95 fee per category and per customer. Not hard to calculate. Let’s say two categories and three customers: $570. Ah, yes- nonrefundable and annual! How do we know? We called compliance depot with request to add service. They said- No Problem. And you know what’s next…
Here is a short quote from compliance depot’s email we received: Since all payments on your account, for [Customers Names], were made back in [YEAR] ([COLOR=“red”]longer than 30 days ago[/COLOR]) all fee’s must be paid for again in order to start the enrollment process on your new Account[End Quote]See how cynical it is? Not to update your account, but START NEW ENROLLMENT PROCESS!
Thank you Dr Squeegee for the compliance depot scam thread. You’re not alone

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They sound like the SEIU for window cleaners or something.

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I agree Compliance Depot is a scam, They have reps that answer the phone and constantly place you on hold because they do not know what they are doing. The reps half to go and ask someone else. They had to nerves to tell us to purchase auto insurance and our company does not use any auto’s. Compliance Depot is a waste of time and money. I will be o.k if I could ever talk with someone which knew what they were talking about. I sent them business license and state certificates they were dumb enough to tell me my state certificate needed an expiration date. Everyone knows in the state of --------- your letter from the the state does not have an expiration letter. They received several complaints with the BBB, But they have the nerve to investigate other companies, All i half to say is, You can’t run a business if your reps that pick up the phone has to keep putting you on hold or if they are just plain Stupid. They need a Stupid Compliance Depot, Their Reps will fit then be in the right field.

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Google Compliance Depot. This thread shows up above their own website. LMFAO

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Mission Accomplished!

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Compliance depot, compliance depot, compliance depot, compliance depot, compliance depot, compliance depot, compliance depot.

I hope EVERYONE finds this forum and reads about compliance depot and there SCAMS :smiley:


I still think they suck!!

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See all those red words? Those would imply to me that they should be the ones footing the bill to police thier vendors. Not the other way around. This tactic of FREE for the folks needing to hire vendors only creates a “strong-arming” of the folks that want/need to bid on jobs in order to gain revenue for thier businesses. Do you disclaim to these “Clients” that your service is actually costing them more due to middlman fees that in turn HAVE to be passed on to Customers? Do you disclaim to them that your recommendations of having all the un-needed “additionals insured” etc, is actually costing these customers more?

For all the Property Managers etc that use or are thinking of using Compliance Depot… You are being sold a bill of BS! There is no way that making your vendors or even possible vendors that you may never hire go through a fee based middleman is NOT going to save you any money. The added headache, costs and time involved with redundant “Compliance” crap is passed on to Clients. You are only going to get the highest bidders to do the work and pay those fees. Your alliance with [URL=“”]Compliance Depot is bad for your business!

PS… As you see, the vendors are smarter than you at Public Relations and SEO. The vendors are your entire reason for existence. You ought to stop scamming the property mangers. They are the real victims.

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GReat post I think compliance depot will not get anyones money from this site. REally how hard is it for a manager from an apartment complex get your insurance for business and auto. Come on this is thier job. Is this apart complex so massive they really cant do their job. Probably have an agreement with the guy everyone they send their way they will split the fees with him 50/50. He probably told all the window cleaning companies who bid the job the same thing. Oh wow look Im looking at a $2 or $3k pay day whats a measley $95 to get the job. I probably would have fell for it too

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You don’t use autos?

Do you think that their use of the term “autos” might include other vehicles such as vans, trucks, or even motorbikes?

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by no means is this meant as a recommendation for Comp/Depot however as a former licensed insurance agent their are many things that are covered but many more NOT by “full Coverage” . I laugh everytime I hear someone say they, their business or their Vehicle is fully covered. All policies have limits and/or deductibles that the insured,you and me, is responsible for. Full coverage may mean having business limits of liability as low as 500k or where mine is 4 million,thank you Mills. Being listed as A/I Additional Insured means that party would be notified should their be any lapse of coverage, non pay, non renewal etc. And like Llaczko I am confused on how one can get to a job site w/o transportation. Full coverage on your vehicle means nothing to most property managers limits of liability of that same policy may mean everything most that require commercial auto want @ least 500k and most want 1 million one mall out here in Cali wants 2 million. The business practices of Comp Depot still sound very misleading but insurance can be a little confusing to most.

Not “motorbikes” there are getting to be few companies that will insure “motorbikes” and they require a “motorbike” to be a separate policy from auto…but yet, they will rarely take a “motorbike” without writing the auto policy too

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My use of the term “motorbike” was an example of sarcasm.

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Most certainly agree with you. PM’s should understand that they either can use an in-house employee verify our info or HIRE an outside company to do it for them. We do our own due diligance by purchasing insurances and registering our companies. The expense of a company that wants to verify our claims of “insured, licensed” should fall on them. We should never have to PAY thier outside verification company. Comp depot works for them, not us. It is thier client, and thier client should be paying. They are using strong arm tactics with vendors. Either pay them or not be considered “eligible” to bid on projects.

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On the other hand…I look at it a bit differently. We gladly deal with compliance depot. I’ll ask up front if they will be involved even before we do the walk-around for the estimate (then I just add it in the bid). We’ve always carried a good bit of insurance, so we’ve never had an issue with the requirements, and we have profited quite well from our association with them. Because the prevailing attitude on this forum is also reflected in contractors local to me, a compliance depot spec means I don’t have much, if any, competition when bidding the job. It’s been my experience that most of our clients that require compliance depot approval are multi-location properties with a remote (read: out-of-state) central office, so when you’re approved by one property, you’re approved for all within a given company. In Savannah alone, we clean a total of 11 properties (apartment complexes) for three companies with Compliance Depot for over six figures total, not including an additional property from one of those companies and three additional properties from another company in other cities. Costs me less than 300 bucks.

Does it cost my customer more as Mike says above? Durn skippy, it does. But what are they paying for? Same thing we’re selling - peace of mind. Their feeling is that Compliance Depot is a justifiable step in weeding out the unworthies. I can’t say that I disagree. Should they check you themselves? Maybe, and they would, just as soon as they deal with the air conditioning issues in building 12, trying to get the pool guy to show up on time, getting the leak fixed on building 19’s roof and settling a scratched vehicle dispute between the residents in #2706 and #2707 and…and…and…

I mean no disrespect, but what I’ve seen is that Compliance Depot mostly turns off those to whom a hundred bucks is a big deal. If that’s true, a property manager would not be out of line to question a company’s ability, both financially and with the appropriate manpower, to clean a 25-building apartment complex in the three or four days they’ve allotted for it.

$95 to cut my competition out of the bidding on five-figure jobs? Yeah, I’ll do that all day long.

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I understand your point, but my main problem was the fact they jerked me around. If they were honest enough to tell me beforehand what was required before I sent them My $95…this post would never of been written. And I asked them plenty of times!! They refused to tell me what was required in advance…in my book they jerked me around. what i bascically did was cross my fingers…sent my check in and rolled the dice. A hundred dollars is a lot to me…

A hundred is a lot to me too…i totally agree with you dave, if they would have just been upfront with you from the beginning you could have made your decision based on all the requirements and criteria. Better luck next time, i appreciate the heads up on compliance depot

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I too, will pay $95 for a signed contract. But won’t pay $95 to a middleman to check that I am INDEED compliant with a PM’s requirements without first having won the bid. They try to collect $$$ from each vendor trying to bid BEFORE they have won a bid.

I TOTALLY get that being compliant with these requirements eliminates a butt load of competition. But I am COMPLIANT irregardless of Compliance Depot in the middle collecting a paycheck from me. I feel that if a PM is using a middleman to FREE up thier busy schedule, then it is they that should be footing the bill. As I said, if we a re compliant or can be compliant, then what has the middleman really done for us? Why are we paying fro the middleman to HELP the PM’s? And it isn’t that a hudred bucks is a big deal to some contractors. It is just a big deal to pay for a middlman to see if I comply without getting the contract. Because we comply either way. No need to pay a third party to prove it. They are doig the legwork for the PM, not us. The PM should pay.

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Just a quick thought, this is my first post to the forums…been reading them for ages. I have have a complex that I have been cleaning for 5 years, and changed property managers every year. I just recently got the notification of Compliance Depot requirements. I saw the fee, and just skipped the property management company, and went and talked directly with the HOA / Board President. Told him how they were wasting money on the management group, who was farming their responsibility off to another third party, and were just going to have higher bids coming in from companies who had to pay all the added fees. Long story short, they dropped the management company the next month, something about breach of contract by farming out responsibility. Now if we can convince ALL management company’s to do their jobs, COMPLIANCE DEPOT will disappear from the face of this earth.

Just a thought—