Could You Slap Me In The Face Please....@Chris @Alex

with a Xero Pure High Modulus Pkg. at half price? Being slow season and all.

please? :pray::vulcan::gift::sleeping::grimacing::white_sun_rain_cloud::japanese_goblin:

Thatโ€™s like 60 Blueprint book sales.


Man we can barely keep them in stock. The demand for them this year has been unreal. Typically we would have seen a slow down by now but it hasnโ€™t happened yet. Likely soon though.

I canโ€™t say for sure we will have a sales on the XERO items as they are already priced best in class. But who knows. We may do something with it as we get deeper into the summer. Iโ€™ll bump this thread back up if we do :grinning::rocket::moneybag::fire: