Creating a janitorial service?

Since where I live the temps get extremely cold and I don’t want to always have my fingers frozen to the glass why not look into starting a janitorial company eventually?

Is this a good idea? How hard is this? Is there a book or a resource someone can point me to?

There’s a youtuber called officialfabiohart, he’s kind of a strange fellow but he seems to know about starting a janitorial service

Then what will you do when it warms up, drop all your janitorial customers? If you want to work in the winter most people will pickup Christmas display install/destall, snow plowing/shoveling and/or ice dam removal.

No, I would keep both window and janitorial going.

The thing with a janitorial company is the way they make money is with many jobs and lots of employees/subbies, for example where I live the max rate a janitor can charge is $35/man hr and thats what he company charges the employees/subbies get about $30/hr while the company makes $5/hr per worker. This can become a problem when the janitorial companies offer window cleaning and pressure washing and only charge $35/hr well for me in the short term lol

I’d hate to have to be the guy that has to clean a toilet after an “accident.”

Hard to start but once you’re established it runs itself pretty well. I can put a craigslist ad out and have an employee trained in a building in a few days earning CONSISTENT cash flow. Consistency is the biggest advantage to janitorial. I know that every week I will make X amount of profit and money on it - guaranteed.
We don’t have to constantly schedule new work and dispatch employees to new locations.
Profits aren’t as good but if you get enough work and employees it just flows in year round. Plus you can hire a guy to do your commercial window work :slight_smile:

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I’ve been running my janitorial company for 20+ years but am really happy I started it before window cleaning. It’s nice to have cash flow during the winter. I agree with the above… the money isn’t that great but it is consistent… now! Lol! It took us quite a while to get good clients that pay on time.