Difficult windows

Any thoughts on how you would tackle these windows?

Shoot they came in sideways. Hopefully you can still see whats going on. Basically just a accent that sticks out from the window about 3’


or get a boom lift and camp out

price appropriately

be ready for them to haggle you to do the job for $10

(sorry, in a cynical mood, lol)

I’m kinda with Bruce on this. To do it right you will have to charge a lot. Problem is it will be tough to get what it’s worth. Commercial is not my expertise. Maybe some one else can be more helpful

Though time consuming it looks pretty cut and dry. I don’t see a wfp being too effective. Look on the bright side, it doesn’t look like it is a ccu.

I would definitely rent a lift. Other than that, it was really hard to tell how high this building is from your pics. What is the place?

haha. I don’t want to run! It’s part of a college I already have the rest of the 23 buildings but they just added this building. It is about 35-40 ft high. I thought of a lift the problem is the first picture is over a stair set.

Only thing here to use is a boom, your pictures don’t show any of the ground obstacles around the building so I can’t tell what the heck is below those windows that you’ll have to end up dealing with nor can I even guess the height of the building itself.

We used a lift on this home to clean the windows.

OK I see the stairs just barely. Are you saying because of the stairs you cannot reach those windows?