New client. Says my price is higher than what she paid before - remember this story?
Well, did the full clean and agreed to quarterly clean, twice full and twice partial. I altered my Quarterly Maintenance Program of 20% off for her to accommodate 4 x’s (2 full, and 2 partial.) She then changed it to just done full, once in the Summer and once again at the end of the year, and full again in the Spring.
Well, that isn’t my Quarterly Maintenance that I offer to all of my other clients, so I dropped a letter in the mail today to her alerting her to the fact that since the original agreement has been altered I will only be offering a 10% Frequent Client Discount.
Don’t you just love how people want to dictate how your pricing structure should be. I don’t have to offer ANY discount at all. I just do as part of my business model.
Some people just dont think before they speak, If this customer would have taken a moment to process what you told them about how your pricing structure was i dont think they would have come back to you trying to change the agreement. But that being said some people are thick headed and think they control your business…because “hey he’s just a window “washer” here to clean my windows for godsakes he’s not a lawyer or a doctor”
Actually things did get better. I landed a job for today that a year ago refused my price. Guess my prices aren’t so bad after all or he would have gone with someone else?
Also picked up a monthly restaurant yesterday. Then, stopped by the grocery store with my magnetics on my van for some chicken wings and lady stopped me and asked if I had a business card and do I clean store windows. One door closes another door opens.
It happens all the time to me. I have an office building that I priced low because of a monthly clean and then they switched to a “will call” when needed and expected the same low pricing - no way Jose’