DIY Pump box/booster pump box

Ya thanks @Pure_Water_Window_Cl, it is that battery! I was surprised how heavy it is… but I guess all that weight represents a long duty life.

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Now thats a pump box…:wink:

Thanks Steve. It was a labor of love.

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Thank you very much for this clever idea and all work you done here sharing @Lavage_de_vitres_Uni !! :sunglasses:

I finally made mine and here’s video on how great it works! :wink:


Pump in the Box is one of the best things I’ve made I believe.

What was your garden hose attached to ?

Garden hose was connected to regular outside connector on outside of house. If that’s what you mean. Pressure here was not weak, I was just testing it. I’m sure it works same on low pressure, correct?

Why not just put a hose connection directly on pole hose. I would imagine even with very low pressure if you’re hooked up to city water or hose bib directly to a water fed Pole you wouldnt need a pump. If you’re drawing water from a container the pump is needed just to get water moving to your source.

From the video I would just think the box is a go-between that’s not even needed for water that is not purified.

You would get the same pressure to pole if you set your garden hose in a bucket of water and used the pump to pump it out.

There’s no wrong way to use it, I’ve always seen the pump in a box used when there is no access to faucet or get water to higher heights.


Maybe I didn’t say it enough on video? Pump is between faucet and Ez-pure caddy in case of low pressure. It boosts RO’s low pressure, and actually I researched that it is also better for RO membrane to have a higher pressure.

So it is better for RO membrane and in my case in low pressure faucets

How long does that battery last, seems very small compared to my deep cycle marine battery. Thanks

Can’t tell as I use it only once in a while, minimum 1x2 weeks though to preserve RO membrane. But one think is for sure, you have to charge it even when not using it. Bit annoying actually. Seems like deep cycle battery with van’s charging option is easier. Can you share your battery setup? How do you charge it from van?

I do work mostly by hand, no WFP. I got this setup mainly for 3 story, bigger jobs, filling up buckets (thinking of tank), washing cars etc.

Very nice video. Can you share which reel that is you’re using for the pole hose? Thanks in advance.

Coxreel 300’ @ 3/8" hose, I recently switched hose to 1/4" and enjoy it much better. I have 300’ on reel now could add 200’ more.

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Added quick connect to reel to separate from cart quick. Also Added 4 rubber feet.

Coxreels are really nice, I used them in my other business. They are a real durable reel.

Here’s the difference between 3/8" and 1/4" hose.

1/4" being slightly thinner is easier to move around, lighter and can fit more on a hose reel. You don’t give up too much flow.

Thank you for the info. I just saw it. When my $20 air hose reel from HD eventually breaks down, I will probably upgrade to this. Already put on my list. Love the QC setup. I’ve converted 90% of my connections to QC and there’s no looking back.

Yes, I’ve been using 200 ft of 1/4"ID hose and 100 ft of Xero Hose (3/16" ID) and the flow has never been an issue. I don’t miss the 3/8" Goodyear hose that came with the RO/DI one bit. A lot more manageable…

@anon46335951. Where did ya get those rubber feet from ?
I’m assumimg Home Depot will have them.

Got those from a local hardware store they were solid rubber just drilled a hole thru and used a bolt on existing hose reel holes.

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Does rock a bit when winding, I may attach to a board (12"×12") for better stability.