Here’s a quick video of my pump box, doubled today as a booster pump when I got stuck with really low pressure. Works great as an on demand pump box, pump shuts off when I use the aquadapter or pinch the hose. Here I tested it as a booster pump in front of my Wash-it Pro for the first time. It set me back a bit over $200 from Amazon, took the analog speed control idea from Mark Munro’s videos. The 18 amp hour battery was at a full charge, after 5 hours of constant use it still read 50% when I plugged it in at home.
I like it. Nice and clean
Hey brother.
When can I order one? Beautiful little set up! Congrats on taking over town.
Joshua Adriance
Pure Water Window Cleaning
Montréal, Québec
I would literally pay you for that setup today. I’m not kidding
very nice
i want it. particulars, si’l vous plait
Very slick!
Wow, very nice indeed! I think the ingeneous part here is the use of the low cost analog pump controller to keep down the total cost to $200 only. If I remember correctly from another thread, you were saying that this analog controller only cost you $13 or $18 or something like that, right? It’s not expensive probably because it doesn’t come with a housing and digital display and all, but it looks like your box provides a very nice housing for it anyway.
Did you try to use DI only mode in this situation first before resorting to using the on-demand pump as a booster pump? In another thread where the use of a booster pump on the Wash-iT was discussed, Perry emphasized that in low pressure situation, one should try DI only mode first. Caleb chimed in that he’s never ever come across a situation where there wasn’t enough water pressure to operate in DI-mode only. So that makes me curious to ask you this question. Especially since this looks like it’s just 1st story cleaning.
In my town almost all the large buildings are in one part of town with low pressure like in the video. I have used DI only in this part of town with success. I do love that option on the Wash-it Pro. But, if I don’t need to run DI only for this whole job than I won’t waste my resin for nothing. The pressure there is so low even with 2 small pencil jets there isn’t good flow running RO. Its possible to work with it but it’ll just take so much longer. I had the pump box with me and figured why not try it as a booster pump. The building is actually much larger than that one window. The back has about 120’ of glass 28’ tall, here’s some.
This is the analog speed control. KEEDOX® NEW 6V-90V 15A DC Motor Pump Speed Controller: Electric Motor Controls: Industrial & Scientific I paid $13 for it at the time I believe. The price went down. It’s not as fancy as the digital, but it kept the price of the box down. I wanted to build this box on a budget and have one box that’ll do everything. Throw it on a cart with water and you have a trolley. I put it on top of a 5 gallon can and it primes and runs great even though its above the water source. Put it in the van and its a van-mount pump. Put it before filtration and it works as a booster. No need to buy multiple systems for your pump needs (or wants). With the controls and charger quick-connect under the top cover, they are protected from getting damaged if it slides around in transport, and you can just charge it from the top. There’s no need to open up the whole box, and no place for water to get in on the speed control panel or motor. I’ve also drilled 2 small holes in the top side wall and bottom in case of a leak it won’t just fill up with water.
@Lavage de vitres Uniqu’eau, thanks so much for the link for the speed controller. I’ve looked all over for an inexpensive analog controller, without success. Just placed my order
When you get it set up, please shoot a follow up to this video with one of your pure water truck tank to pump box to pole.
Joshua Adriance
Pure Water Window Cleaning
Do you have a list of all you used… like what box is that? What Battery? Really sweet little set up. The only thing I might add is a little fan in the side and some holes on the other side to allow air flow to the pump and keep the heat down.
Here’s a list of everything, other than some 1/2" barbs to garden hose ends, 1/2" ID tubing, clamps, wire, electrical hardware, some bolts, nuts, and washers to mount the pump and control board. That stuff is cheap. Doesn’t have to be my battery, any 12v. The 18ah lasts a long time though. After 5 hours of use it was barely lukewarm, running at about 75% power. Could definitely go smaller and lighter, but the bolt on connection is nice and secure, and the charger cable bolts on to. SHURflo 244-3926 1/2" FPT X 1/2" Barb Elbow Swivel: Automotive
KEEDOX® NEW 6V-90V 15A DC Motor Pump Speed Controller: Electric Motor Controls: Industrial & Scientific : 1612 Plano Deep Field Box : Fishing Tackle Boxes : Sports & Outdoors SPST On-Off, Illuminated Surf 'N Turf Rocker Switch, Red, DC Rated Only (1 Per Quantity): Automotive 12 volt 18 Ah Rechargeable Battery: Home Improvement
I use this charger. It comes with the ends to bolt right on to the battery, and leave the quick-connect cable in the box. To charge just open the small top lid and quick-connect.
Thank you for taking the time to do that! Awesome, can’t wait to build it.
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why are you using a 1/4" hose as a supply line? That is REALLY restricting flow, use a regular 3/4" garden hose to maximize water flow.
That’s the supply line the Wash-it comes with. Thanks for the tip.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Window Cleaning Resource mobile app
This is very true. I have excellent pressure at home (about 80 psi), and when I use a 5/8" 6 ft lead hose to clean out my pool cartridge filters, the water jet comes out really strong. But when I use the 1/4" hose that came with the Wash-iT to clean out the filter holding tank (because I need the extra length and there’s no other long hoses around), the water jet coming out got SIGNIFICANTLY weaker.
Hi Ben. That 50’ feet of yellow hose is meant act as supply hose FROM the cart TO your pole. IPC includes this yellow tubing with the Hydrotube as well as seen in this video.
Of course you can use it to supply TO the Wash-iT but you’d do better to have a regular quality, no kink garden hose.
Good call. I’ll change that out. Still need booster at the job in the video though and many in my area, I’ve tried it with a regular hose with the same results.
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Where can I get that coffee filter add on for the wash-it?
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That’s an in-line shurflo strainer. EBay and Amazon have huge selections. I only use it before my pump to keep out anything that may have possibly gotten into my water barrel. I was using it as a connector hose in the video, but I guess you could put it before the Wash-it.
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