No I was making a joke… Your cup of coffee was sitting on top of your di filter.
sent from my samsung note 2 using the wrc app
No I was making a joke… Your cup of coffee was sitting on top of your di filter.
sent from my samsung note 2 using the wrc app
sent from my samsung note 2 using the wrc app
Oh nice, haha. Yeah, it’s perfect for that, I put it to use often working!
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Window Cleaning Resource mobile app
so i just ordered all this stuff. now i have to figure out how to wire it all up without exploding my fingers off. electrical is one thing i know almost nothing about…
How’s this working out for you guys who built it? Any suggestions for tweaking it?
Atlas Window Cleaning
North Carolina
Works great still, no leaks yet. I would use a slightly bigger box next time since the battery is a bit tight. Next upgrade will be a little vent or fan. Don’t know if I need it, after 8 hours it was warm but not hot (that’s with leaving the top just cracked open with the latch propping it up), but why not add it. Other than that I haven’t had the need to change anything. A digital speed control would be great, but I haven’t spent the money on it since the analog is cheap and still going strong. I also use it to flush my Wash-it from a bucket when my outside hose is frozen.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Window Cleaning Resource mobile app
Thanks for the response!
2 more questions:
1: I noticed solder in the parts list. Can I get away without soldering anything?
2: How do you think the pump will hold up if I use alcohol with my water in winter?
Atlas Window Cleaning
North Carolina
You won’t need any solder, just crimp connectors. These pumps are made for crazy farm chemicals, I wouldn’t think alcohol would do any harm. You could always check with shurflo if they respond to emails.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Window Cleaning Resource mobile app
Good to know, Thank you! I was thinking you have to solder to the speed control board or something. I’ll be building this SOON.
Atlas Window Cleaning
North Carolina
if i did it again, i would use a really good hose for input and output. maybe 1/2" id kuri tek or something like that. the poly hose gets pretty stiff when it’s cold and makes it tougher to work with. i ended up adding 1/2" barbed garden hose adapters to the ends of both input and output. then yo u can just thread the quick connect fittings everyone uses and plumb it up however you want.
Thanks for the extra info. I’ll keep you posted on my build. I’m planning on getting started in a couple of weeks.
Atlas Window Cleaning
North Carolina
Here’s 2 shots of mine if this helps.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Window Cleaning Resource mobile app
Thanks for the list @Lavage de vitres Uniqu’eau . Ben what charge did you get for this battery
Been getting great results with this charger, you can leave it trickle charging. And the quick connect is awesome. I leave the included bolt-on cable right on the battery, with a hole cut in the lid so the smaller top cover can be opened exposing the quick connect cable without having to open the whole box and fish around for the cable.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Window Cleaning Resource mobile app
looking at this setup has really helped me…Thanks!
Thanks Ben.
Those pictures really help. Thank you!
Atlas Window Cleaning
North Carolina
Ok, one last request, I promise! Any chance of you posting a simple wiring diagram?
Atlas Window Cleaning
North Carolina
Lavage, you said in your video that you were unsure how it would hold up using it as a booster pump. Does it still seem to be doing well in that capacity?
Atlas Window Cleaning
North Carolina