So what ancient living dinosaurs do you have in your area?
Down here in the sub-tropics of Florida we have pea sized brain, flesh eating, dinosaurs that only know two things - eating and reproducing.
Looks inviting
I live in Boulder, CO; where everyone is a Velociraptor.
I was going to say “My mother in law is a pterodactyl”, but I would have felt bad so I won’t say that.
That is amazing. Didn’t realize they ever gathered in those kind of numbers.
There are plenty of them down here. I was at Myakka Lake one time, really close to where this was, and a guy was wade fishing in the cattails. Yes, you read that right! He was wade fishing! Alligators were like 100/150 feet away. I told the guy and he shrugged. I should have stayed to watch the carnage. Guess it never happened because he wasn’t on the news. :-/
Myakka is basically my backyard
Even though gators are up there with bears in terms of predatory size and strength, they really don’t go looking for trouble. I don’t bother them, and they don’t bother me. If my golf ball happens to land within about 50 feet of a gator then I say it’s his to keep.
They just discovered this in our area:
This was in Cruces
Just me…
maybe it was just one of those “missing person” cases
Anyone ever hear that dinos were really big chickens?
Yes, Henry. T-Rex protein is directly related to chickens and ostriches.
So I guess it’s true everything tastes like chicken!
Thanx Gary! The only thing I like birds for is eating. Then I only have a little bit. I mostly like veggies.