I work for a company that still uses the golden noodle(aluminum tucker pole circa 20 years ago). It has an inline soap dispenser. We live in a low tds area (23-190) and use a basic DI system. My employer is insisting I use finish dish washing tablets in the dispenser. In my mind, adding soap to pure water, completely defeats the purpose of a pure water system. Obviously as an employee I should just do as instructed, but am I wrong that thinking it’s detrimental to good results!?
Finish is a drying agent to make water sheet and dry without spots and in the right amount ( very little) it may work well.
NO!!! I see you are saying dish washing tablets . You will need to rinse that all off
It seems to work okay in cooler temps, we’re hanging around 90 with low humidity, stuff evaporates fast.
I thought at first you meant finish rinse aid or jet dry
It is the dish tablet, my employer feels since the soap is dispensed from the pencil jets and the rinse from the fan jet, they cancel each other out.
If you wash then rinse well
Which is what I’ve recommended. We wash and rinse in one pass, which I feel is inadequate.
I also feel, soaping up and then spending the necessary time to rinse soap off, defeats the purpose of a pure water system, thoughts?
I used tsp and soap on a few windows this week due to tree sap but not usually
It does seem to be advantageous with particularly mucky windows, but I still feel a better rinse would be more better, and that the particles from soap cancel out the particle removal of a pure water system…
… No It doesn’t defeat the purpose, it just means you have to rinse a little longer.
Soap can help with dirtier windows too.
The whole purpose of pure water is the rinse. The water is the squeegee. It doesn’t really address the cleaning part of the process. Ok, yes, agitation with a brush.
But think of it with trad- how would you feel dipping scrubber into bucket of pure water (no soap), scrubbing, then squeegee?
That’s essentially want one is doing with WFP.
So no, doesn’t defeat purpose.
I’m new to WFPing so I have a question. Would it still leave a residue, or no residue if you just scrub and rinse a little extra?
If you rinse it off well there’s no residue