Picked up a 18" Ettore widebody superchannel, and it’s so darn stiff I leave patches on glass that has any contour to it. I bought it because my 18" brass channels felt a bit flexy. I can also use my ettore rubbers, and thought it would complement my Sorbo 24" well, but found it to be finicky and trickier to use than most squeegees. I feel like I have to apply a good amount of pressure compared to my other channels. Maybe I just need to get used to it.
super channel may look like a sorbo but its FAR from it, its crap, sorry, best wide body channel on he market is a sorbo all other copies are not as good.
The 18 inch is junk. The channel is completely different from all other lenghts. I buy longer lengths and cut them down. Sounds crazy I know but ask @Chris.
I am not 100% stoked on my purchase. I just want a stiff 18 for restaurants, etc.
@Skipper I flex into the ends of my channels so that it doesn’t pop and splash into the sill. The rear end sometimes drags water, hence my picking up a superchannel. I guess it sucks.