I’m building out a wordpress site with a theme I purchased a while back, and I was wondering if labelling pics like this helps SEO down the road or not?
Inside WordPress you can set the alt tags which are important. But there are a ton of things inside WordPress that are more important. Like the structure of your content, your copy, etc
If you need help let me know.
Your time is money too. I’ll try not to bug you too much. Thanks for the offer. I’m as bad at this as I was at fanning when I first started cleaning windows. But eventually I’ll have to do this anyway or not?
Jared are you a word press expert?
WordPress yes, SEO no. I know enough SEO but I wouldn’t say I was an expert.
The #1 best thing you can do with the naming and labeling of your keywords is to name them using latent semantic keywords.
Latent semantic keywords aren’t the exact keyword you are targeting on a particular page. They are a variation of the keyword that Google is smart enough to know is related to what you are targeting.
A famous example of LSI keywords or just LSI in general is “That movie where the guy is called The Dude”
Google that, and you’ll see Google is smart enough to know that you are talking about the Big Lebowski.
You can and should ( IMHO ) use this same theory when properly naming your images.
so for instance, call it bedroom window instead of residential window under a residential tab?
Please read more about it though before you start. There are also lsi generators that make suggestions.
https://moz.com/ Very good tool if you want to spend the time. This is where the big boys play.
@dave222 DUDE! Thats alittle too much of a share man.
It’s never to much of a share.