I’ve seen Hermans videos of dog ear widebodied channels but I never seen/heard of any other WC doing it.
Have you tried and with which result?
I’ve seen more dogeared stainless steel channels/brass channels.
Thinking of trying it with my Sorbo.
I know that with divebombing technique you can get a non detailing result. But curious about dogearing. The liquidator isn’t the answer for me in this case.
Love my wide bodied channels.
Might get @HE_MAN to give us an update, to see if he would suggest something different. I use the plastic tipped Sorbo channels and I’ve modified mine some…still needs a little work.
I’m a wide body man myself. Never thought about dog earring them. I’ve watched Herman’s video thou. I have two different kind of wide body channels. An 18 and 30 inch ninja. Then a 12 and 24 inch Vader channel. Don’t know how well it would work with the ninja since the clips.
And here’s one been using for about few years.
Know it doesn’t look pretty but it works .
Take note that at the end of clip is 2/3mm high.
And straight not bent forward.
For reachable storefront i just use stock length rubber and channel clip it maybe an eighth of an inch longer on the right side (as you hold it properly). Just dig into the seal a little starting mid way up on the left side- up, across the top, and dive bomb the entire right side of the window then fan as normal. Not much detailing left.
Unreachable? I always get icicles so I hate straight pulls wag tail on a pole every time.
Tried it out today and it worked just fine. However, i have two issues with it. First, i no longer like using the ninja handle in hand now that I’ve been using the lighter, smaller, and handier Ergotec red. Second, i think I’m done with angled tips as i found that - just as with the Liquidator - the squeegee can’t turn as sharply anymore. So while it gets into corners better, it’s at the expense of being less maneuverable.
I wish i could try it for straight pulls, but the channel i cut is residential sized (i think it was a 14") and for some reason i suck at straight pulling residential (which is a complete mystery to me as i straight pull almost exclusively for storefront).
Sweet! I know what you mean about the Ninja handle…it’s a bit bulky. And yeah I’ve noticed that with the Liquidator…less maneuverability.
and WOAH I had the EXACT same problem!! A few years ago I used to have mainly commercial and storefronts and I straight pulled every single window. Then I got a few residential jobs and COULD NOT STRAIGHT PULL THEM TO SAVE MY LIFE. Constant lines or stuff left at the top, or the pull down line in the middle. Like I didn’t know what was going on!!! Eventually I was able to do it with an extreme sharp angle when pulling but fast forward to the present and now I mainly do residential and I’m fanning the windows with an excelerator and I quite like that.