Last week I was cleaning this executive property a $760 job, I had just finished cleaning the upper story windows, when I was done for the day and went to reinstall all the screens I had removed, these screens are removable from the inside by firstly removing the sliding window and placing on a towel. So anyway just finished the external 5 mins before, grab screens that are clean to re install. from the time it took me to grab, I think it was 4 screens walk into the house and up the stairs… a stinking bird had managed to shit right in the middle of the clean window, right where the screen went.
As I walked into the bed room I was looking like WTF is that, then I realized and it was just ARGH!!
Had a “high maintenance ex-customer” call me and complain that I didn’t clean one of his 2nd story windows (only exterior clean) very good and there was a spot right directly where he looks out over the water. No problem, I’m like 10 minutes down the road I can swing by and clean whatever it is, figuring something got on it after I left the day before. Get there and it is on the inside. Only his housekeeper is allowed inside because she does such a good job ;-)). Called him back to happily claim that it wasn’t me and it was on the inside. The next time he got pissed off because I called him about being two weeks late paying. We parted ways after that and there was peace in the valley once again.
Way to start my day, get onsite contact must have forgot, since courtesy call yesterday, that we are scheduled to wash windows. Locked facility, can’t even access grounds to start outsides. 3 guys waiting , 1 hour now.
When you dont tie your ladder to the roof and the F16’s fire up the thrusters and blow it over. Then you stand there waving at the ground crew and they think youre just saying hello so they wave back. And you cant have cell phones near the control tower so you cant call your buddy and the 2 way radios cant be heard over the jets. Stuck for 30 min but it was an awesome 30 min watching em train.